“Two Excellent Ways to Peek Into 2020 and Beyond!”
Happy New Year, Dear Heart! I’m here to make an exciting suggestion at the beginning of this new decade and I sincerely hope you act on it. All that’s required is a few moments of your precious time. Forget about making New Year’s Resolutions! You know you just feel...
“Pathway Gift to Your Heart’s Desire!”
Ever wonder what, if anything is interfering with your ability to do or be the most magnificent YOU your heart desires? Maybe it would be to finally clear your clutter, write your book, find a loving partner, etc.? Or perhaps there’s something even bigger? I invite...
“Inner Radiance of Heart Gratitude!”
Just recently I had a major insight into heart gratitude. Since this is the month America celebrates Thanksgiving, it seems appropriate to share my discovery with you. Gradually over the past several years, I’ve become more aware of how gratitude keeps grabbing...
“In Celebration of Good News!”
Are you a person whose life is plagued by drama and trauma that wears you out and drags you down? Or are you one of the lucky ones whose life is more often filled with many blessings of good news? Thankfully, I find myself inhabiting the second group. And that’s...
“Three Important Spiritual Insights I’ve Reinforced by Playing Solitaire!”
Yep – I confess that I’m a confirmed solitaire player. Always have been. I play when I’m looking for a quiet transition to refresh between activities, or late in the day when I’m too tired to do something more productive, or even (sigh) when I’m procrastinating about...
“A Whole New Approach from My Akashic Records!”
This month's post is something entirely different for me. It's a quick bit of summer fun that happened between me and my Akashic Records. Of course, it was totally orchestrated by their playful creativity. I had a blast and am keen to see how it works! So let's jump...
“A New Burst of Clarity”
When you’re transitioning into a new life, do you find sometimes the vision that’s crystal clear to you, remains muddled to others? Perhaps that’s because you’re still gaining clarity on how the new you walks and talks. That’s what happened to me after my June post...
“My Major Shift in Life Focus – What a Surprise!”
You may remember my January post this year described what I called the “Letting Go Game.” I’ve been playing this game intentionally and with much awareness (or obliviously) for the past five months. I’m amazed at where I’ve ended up in the middle of 2019! What...
“The Incident at the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities”
This is my last story about my recent trip to Egypt. Next month my Akashic Records tell me we’re off in entirely new direction for the rest of 2019! The final day of our sacred journey to Egypt overflowed with many unexpected experiences for me. This post is about an...
“Epiphany on the Nile River!”
Some life changing spiritual experiences can’t be shared in a few words. This is one of mine. At Luxor a few days before our Nile cruise, Sameeta (our intrepid tour organizer) suggested we write down three or four things we’d like to let go of during our Egyptian...