A banner with this text: "Exploring Your Akashic Records: A Transformative 8-Week Journey for Lifelong Access!" with a centered star burst and blue background.

Would you like to . . .

Create a flourishing relationship with your Soul’s wisdom?

Understand and heal detrimental ancestral and past life issues?

Transform invalid current life patterns and beliefs?

Make confident, joyful decisions without relying on others?

Always feel guided, loved, and supported? 

Do you long to have a rich relationship with a wise, loving guide (your Akashic Records) who knows you better than you know yourself because it has known you throughout all your lifetimes? Someone you can turn to anytime you like?

I can help you learn how to meet your Akashic Records and more by teaching you how to access and explore your personal Akashic Records — the energetic database of your Soul in all its lifetimes. Through your Akashic Records you can also connect to aspects of yourself and to the Divine.

When you understand the purpose of your challenges, through your Records you can co-create the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing your Soul craves. Change your Records and you change your life. It is your birthright to create the life you love to live!

Recognize yourself here?


Working Hard
for Minimal Results

No matter if your current spiritual practice includes – meditation, intentions, prayer, journaling – under stress, you still helplessly revert to your old patterns. Change seems like a long and difficult process. You’re unable to manifest your highest good despite your best efforts. You don’t know what else to do.


Doubting Yourself
and Your Intuition

You still struggle to trust yourself, even after all the inner work you’ve done. Instead, detrimental self-talk runs wild and sabotages your mind with hurtful thoughts. You’re not confident with your intuition either because you feel there’s a strange block to your genuine communication with the Divine.


Forgiving and Lacking
Self Love

Your self-doubt and strong inner critic also hinder true self-love. When things fall apart, you find it hard to forgive yourself and others, so you can be free to move on. You wish you had a better way to heal your emotional and mental pain.


Feeling Trapped
and Exhausted

It’s difficult to let go of the past which continually drains your energy – keeping you trapped in indecision and overwhelm. You’re tired of feeling stuck and exhausted. You have no idea what your best next step would be.

It's time to begin your Akashic journey

to create a happier you!

How would it feel if you could . . .

• Discover a reliable method to access your Soul’s wisdom, instead of relying on random intuitions, psychic flashes, books, or advice from others.

Elevate your vibrational frequency for continual personal growth.

Connect directly to your Highest Truth for clear steps to create aligned visibility in all areas of your life.

Sustain a positive mindset to support confident best decisions and actions.

• Access a series of three university level Akashic trainings to confidently enrich any modality you already use and add a strong spiritual element to your business.

• Learn expert techniques with an Akashic specialist with 20 years of experience, so you too can explore your Records, clearing those old patterns and beliefs that previously kept you stuck in the past!

Something to consider . . .

When you change your Akashic Records, and you do every time you access them, you change your life! So why wait to schedule an Akashic Session? Once you can access and explore your Records yourself, you can use this amazing modality as frequently as you desire, and without paying a fee each time! You can discover your own Truth and so much more.

Sandra's Story

I've I always longed to know secrets, delve deeply, and have an intimate relationship with the Divine. Wandering through my life, I studied numerology, astrology, graphology, palm reading, meditation and more. I became a Reiki Master, received my Master’s in Metaphysical Education, and my Past Life Regression certificate. Then in October 2004, my Akashic Records reached out to me. I said YES to their invitation and finally discovered my life purpose!

Now I’m passionate about sharing my Akashic wisdom with others because I don’t want you to have to wander, wonder, and wait like I did! The Records brought me and the two other founders of the Akashic Alliance™ an upgraded Method to Access, how to teach it, and much more.
Learn more —
Sandra's Journey

Exploring Your Akashic Records:

A Transformative 8-Week Journey for Lifelong Access!

To access your Records, you are gently guided through a reliable seven-step process of spoken words and silent energetics. This is called Module A. You’ll also have plenty of time for personal practice with exciting questions to ask your Records. Maximum of only EIGHT participants to ensure your optimum learning experience, while offering plenty of time for questions and many opportunities to access and explore your Records.

Module A includes . . .

• Akashic Infusions that support your entire learning process both before and during the eight-week training.

24 Hours steeped in the loving energy of the Akashic Field with Sandra as your guide so you can ask any questions – 8 weeks of live Zoom Meetings of 3 hours each.

• Explore at least 14 exciting, customized “Akashic Integration Processes” in real time with the rest of the learners to integrate everything you’ve learned to that point. We’ll have sharing time to deepen your own experience.

• NEW: Incorporating the Akashic Illumination Deck as an Akashic Developmental Tool to greatly accelerate your ability to explore your Records.

A Guided Meditation experience from the Records designed to activate all your “clairs” – seeing, hearing, feeling, and knowing.

Comprehensive printable Manual minimizes the need for extensive notes, so you can relax and easily absorb each section. It’s loaded with everything you require to successfully access and explore your Records. The Appendix contains additional resources so you’ll never run out of ideas of what to do with your Records!

“Each week added more to the experience. I really enjoyed having it broken up into eight weeks and while I wish I’d practiced more, I do feel good about what I was able to complete and I’m inspired to keep practicing.”

“Having time to actually complete Integration Processes together during our live Zoom time and then listening to the group’s sharing was a good mix.”

“I felt the energy build from week to week and looked forward to them every week. Having the training spread out over eight weeks gave me time to integrate some of the bigger shifts and to practice between each week.”

“I totally loved our Zoom meetings and the group that came together. Every participant’s input was really helpful and powerful. I learned a lot from other participants’ questions too.”

To Help You Prepare . . .

Akashic Training Infusion

This innovative Akashic process gently and gracefully releases, through all your lifetimes for your highest good, anything hindering your upcoming Akashic learning process. This Infusion also initiates several specific energetic connections between you and your Records – to bring all levels of your being into the highest energetic alignment for the training. Your Infusion begins the moment you activate your member profile and before you listen to even one recording or open the manual. It continues to support you gently for the duration of the entire training. You also receive a detailed Infusion Report and guidance on how to enjoy this unique part of your training.

“I found the Akashic Training Infusion to be very powerful. I felt a surge and then a positive energy undercurrent throughout the training. Synchronicities began happening much more rapidly than they had been. I knew something real was happening, and was excited to know that I was involved in a very profound and powerful Akashic training.”

Akashic Training Infusions are unique to this program. It gently and gracefully releases, through all your lifetimes for your highest good, anything hindering your upcoming Akashic learning process. It begins a week prior to the training.

Heart Integration Exploration

MP3 of a 90 minute training by Sandra for a group of Module A grads introducing this Akashic Essential.

Podcast with Sandra interviewing previous graduates

Can you learn to access your personal Records? Yes!
PLUS Akashic graduates from both Modules A & B share their experiences! This is Sandra’s favorite podcast.

Exploring Your Akashic Records:

Your Transformative 8-Week Journey for Lifelong Access!

5 keys to unlock all pre-training materials for Week 1.

Week 1

Essential Prep before Accessing

  • Unlock all pre-training materials: Mutual Agreements, Share Personal Training Intentions, Definition of the Akashic Records, Vision of the Akashic Records Integration Process, and Story of the Akashic Alliance™.
  • Integration Process: Your Current Understanding of the Akashic Records
  • Guided Meditation: “Igniting Your Heart Light”

Week 2

First Akashic Contact

  • Learn and practice the 5 Key Energetics that are an essential part of the Method to Open.
  • Preconditioning Meditation to Introduce Heart Integration as our Centering Process.
  • Akashic Prayer Process for Centering: “Heart Integration” – Part 1. 
  • Guided Meditation: “Heart Opening and Healing Mediation” with discussion “Putting All the Energetics Together”.
  • Review Akashic Alliance™ Method to Open, and experience your 1st Akashic Contact with the unique energy of your Records. 
Doors opening to the light of having the first Akashic Contact.
Woman with the palms of her hands on her heart center as she's activating the Akashic Prayer Process - Heart Integration.

Week 3

Heart Integration in greater depth

  • Integration Process #1
  • FAQs: Frequently asked questions.
  • Reasons to Access Your Records. 
  • Integration Process #2
  • Heart Integration – Part 2.
  • Definition of “Heart Light”
  • Integration Process #3: Using Heart Integration to clear or activate Healing + Sharing Reasons to use Heart Integration.

Week 4

Activation of All Your “Clairs”

  • Exploring Your “Clairs” – seeing, hearing, feeling, knowing + tasting and smelling.
  • Guided Meditation to the Island of Enhanced Perceptions.
  • Integration Process #4: Customized by the Records for this training + Sharing.

Person starting to explore their “Clairs” — hearing, feeling, knowing, tasting, seeing and smelling — in the midst of nature.
Woman with up-raised arms, kneeling at the edge of the ocean, surrendering and forgiving herself and others into the Light.

Week 5

How and Why Forgiveness is Key

  • Discussion about “Forgiveness”
  • Akashic Alliance “Prayer of Forgiveness”
  • Integration Process #5: “Two Step Forgiveness” + Sharing.
  • Integration Processes #6 & #7 + Sharing. 

Week 6

Intuition vs Akashic Records

  • Initiate “Akashic Chat” for greater depth and understanding.
  • Review Integration Processes #6 & #7
  • Integration Process #8 – Two Parts: Intuition vs Akashic Records + Sharing.
  • Set Up Integration Process #9 or #10 for HomeJoy.
Person holding a pen while journaling and letting the outside light illuminate the moment.
Lady in a hamcock, out in nature, referencing the Depth Akashic Exploration.

Week 7

Depth Akashic Exploration + Guided “Akashic Stillness” Experience

  • Discussion about Integration Processes #9 & #10 – in depth explorations of your Records.
  • Integration Process #11: “Akashic Stillness”
  • Introduction to Monthly Module A Akashic Gatherings.
  • Set up Akashic Study Buddy Process.
  • Suggested Reading + Refresh of Module A.
  • Exploration of information in Appendix.

Week 8

Next Steps, Blessing, Graduation

  • Akashic Chat
  • Integration Process #12: “Where do I go from here?” + Sharing
  • Image Prompts of Doors + Questions
  • Integration Process #13: Blessing from Akashic Records Integration Process
  • Graduation Ceremony – handover to your Akashic Records
  • Integration Process #14: “Final Questions for Your Records = Final Take Aways"
Image of energy transfer from teacher to Akashic graduates.

About "Exploring Your Akashic Records: A Transformative 8-Week Journey for Lifelong Access!"

Whenever Sandra facilitates Module A, she brings exactly what those participants require. This is possible because . . .  Learn More

Connect deeply and Evolve with your Akashic Records!​


8 weeks, 24 hours of LIVE, interactive learning
with guided Akashic meditations, comprehensive manual,
plus access to the NEW Akashic Illumination Deck.

Image showing computer monitor, cellphone, tablet and the manual - all the elements and devices for this training.


Two Amazing Module A Bonuses

Image showing cover of Akashic Illumination Deck on a blue background.

Akashic Illumination Deck
Print Version of Deck + Training

For the first time, Module A also incorporates learning about the groundbreaking Akashic Development Tool — the Akashic Illumination Deck! As soon as you register for Module A, your Deck will be on its way. To jumpstart your learning, you'll also receive FREE access to Sandra's online course,“Unleashing your Soul's Wisdom: A 4-Session Journey to Master the Akashic Illumination Deck for Personal Use!” 


Value:  $297.00

Image of open palms with light in the center showing community energy.

Three Supportive Online
Akashic Communities

Explore "Akashic Focus - Access Your Akashic Records" and "Akashic Illumination Deck" Facebook communities. You will also receive invitations to monthly Akashic Alliance™ Zoom Gatherings so you can continue to make new Akashic friends, share questions, and keep learning. The most important thing Sandra has learned as a teacher is that your ability to succeed increases significantly when you have on-going access to community and support.


Value:  $3,000.00

Module A Training Pre-requisites 

If you are at least 18 years old, it is now your birthright to access this energetic database of your Soul. No previous knowledge is required – only your heart-felt desire to connect with your Records and a strong commitment to engage with your Records on a regular basis. 

FALL 2024 LIVE Zoom Akashic Training Dates for Module A

I'm delighted to share the details of my upcoming LIVE 8-Week Zoom training!

Dates:  Thursdays, Sept 5, 12, 19, 26, Oct 3, 10, 24, and 31

Time:  2:00 - 5:00pm EST

Zoom Meeting Link: You'll receive the training link after registration


Please set up a Discovery Call with Sandra to ask any questions and discover whether this Akashic training is right for you. Maximum of eight participants.

Recap of What's Included in Module A Training

✓ Over 24 hours of live, interactive spiritual teaching and guided meditations with an intimate group to facilitate your learning experience. All is recorded for you to download so you have permanent access to refresh. (Value:  $1,800)

✓ Comprehensive 80-page Manual customized by the Records exclusively for your training. (Value:  $1,000)

✓ Bonus Akashic Illumination Deck – print version - with your free pass to any of Sandra’s in-depth card deck trainings titled “Unlock the Akashic Illumination Deck – For Your Personal Use!” (Value: $250)

✓ Monthly Email Invites to Free Akashic Alliance™ Gatherings on Zoom for further learning with access to Sandra and other Akashic Alliance™ Certified Trainers as your guides. (Value: $2,800)

Certificate of Completion . . .(Priceless!)


Total Value of this Training is over $5,000!


Receive all the tools to successfully access and explore your Akashic Records,
so you can create the life you love to live.


Value $5,850 — and your investment is only $1,497!

If you have a powerful urge to find your own Truth, something more . . . something bigger, something that will transform you and your life . . .

Then it’s time to step up and accept your birthright to access your Records, enhance all your extrasensory perceptions, and find the transformation you've been seeking.

You can do this!

Enroll NOW, Your Akashic Records are Waiting!

Massive Value for One Low Investment

PayPal, Venmo, Check, or Cash
Payment Plans Available

DISCOUNT - Pay 3 Weeks in Advance: $1,197 - SAVE $300!

Sandra’s Refresher Grads: $597

Image of woman journaling at her desk with the caption "Do Something Today for a Better Tomorrow - Learn to Talk with Your Soul"

Love to learn to communicate with your Akashic Records AND yet you aren't sure if you're ready or if this program is right for you? Schedule a call with me to get clarity and ask questions. The link below will take you to my short Discovery Call form!