Feeling Lost on Your Soul’s Journey?

Engage with Your Intuition & Akashic Records

to Unlock the Akashic Illumination Deck!

Feeling stuck or unfulfilled, uncertain about how to achieve your life purpose?

Wondering if past-life issues, detrimental beliefs, or energetic blockages are clouding your present and limiting your growth?

Confused and unsure how to interact with your Akashic Records and access the wisdom of your Soul?

Know there is so much more to the Akashic Illumination Deck yet unsure of where to begin?

Looking for fun, easy ways to integrate this Akashic Deck into your spiritual practice or other modalities you already offer?

This Powerful 4-Week Training Can Help!

Are you ready to awaken your intuition, tap into your soul’s wisdom,
and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery?

The Akashic Illumination Deck (AID) is a powerful tool that unlocks the secrets of your Akashic Records, the wisdom of your Soul, which contains the energetic database of your Soul’s journey throughout all its lifetimes. This 4-week online program will help you to master the AID so you can harness its multilevel power for personal growth, healing, and manifestation.

Here’s what you’ll gain . . .

Connect More Clearly with Your Divine Self
Whether you already have access to your Records or you’re using your heart-felt intuition, you’ll learn more about how to engage with your Akashic Records and the Divine for guidance and support, facilitated by this Akashic card deck.

Unleash Your Intuition
Strengthen your extrasensory gifts of seeing, hearing, feeling, and knowing while you build trust in your ability to engage with these cards and the wisdom of your Soul.

Clear Past Blockages
Discover card layouts and techniques to invoke Divine Direct Action (DDA) for clearing past-life issues, energetic blockages, and promoting personal healing.

Empower Manifestation
Utilize the Deck to co-create your desires, align with your soul’s purpose, and actively participate in shaping your future.

Master Different Card Spreads
Explore various card layouts (spreads) for self-discovery, healing, and personal growth, including one, two, and three-card draws.

Develop Your Practice
Build a strong foundation for ongoing use of the Akashic Illumination Deck through consistent practice, sharing with other users, and access to valuable resources.

Bonus Materials
Gain access to the exclusive training manual, downloadable resources, inspirational articles, and a supportive online community.

This training is perfect for you whether you’re new to the Akashic Illumination Deck or have been using this multilayered Akashic card deck for a while. Either way, you’re ready now learn how to delve deeply and become a master of this Akashic card deck for your personal use.

This training is also for you if . . .

  • You’re curious about your Akashic Records and how to access their wisdom.
  • You wish to learn how to request Divine Direct Action to clear energetic blockages and heal past-life issues that may be holding you back.
  • You’re seeking guidance and support for personal growth and transformation.
  • You desire to awaken your intuition and connect with your inner wisdom.
  • You’re ready to co-create your desired future and live a life aligned with your soul’s purpose.

Especially if you desire to do all the above and more in an easy, fun way
with the amazing assistance of the
Akashic Illumination Deck!

Introducing your Workshop Facilitator . . .

Rev Sandra L Gelinas is a leading Akashic Records expert, guiding people to uncover and resolve current and past life challenges, ancestral issues, and outdated beliefs.

With 30+ years of metaphysical experience, including a Master’s in Metaphysical Education and certifications for Reiki, Past Life Regression, Inception Point Therapy®, and BioField Clearing, Sandra offers profound clarity and transformation in all her Akashic work.

As a Master Teacher of the three tiers of Akashic Alliance™ Trainings, she has dedicated the past two decades to empowering her students and clients to explore their Souls through the Akashic Field.

Sandra’s latest co-creative project with the Akashic Records is the Akashic Illumination Deck. Over the past three years she’s dedicated herself to co-creating the first tangible Akashic tool – the first card deck designed to immerse you in a visual and energetic engagement with your Records.

Unlock New Skills Every Session!

Here’s a glimpse into the transformative journey you’ll embark on when you master using the Akashic Illumination Deck for personal use.

Session 1

& Awakening

Activate Your Divine Connection 
Learn techniques to connect with your Akashic Records and Higher Self for guidance.

Understand the Akashic Illumination Deck
Discover the structure of the Deck (Infusions, Explorations, Symbols, and the three Opportunity Cards), card selection methods, and receive a personalized attunement from the Records of the Deck.

Specific focus on the 20 Akashic Infusions Cards to understand how to receive these Akashic blessings.

Practice One & Three-Card Spreads
Gain practical insights into using the Deck to answer specific questions.

HomeJoy Integration Processes
Work with the 20 cards of the Akashic Infusions Activity to accelerate your learning process till next session.

Session 2

Deepen Your Skills
& Practical Uses

Specific focus on the 20 Akashic Explorations Cards as a prompt to your best questions.

Explore Powerful Card Spreads
Unlock deeper meanings and solutions with advanced layouts.

Refine Your Intuition
Develop trust in your inner wisdom and clarify what you’ve received by asking questions the cards prompt you to ask.

Analyze a Real-Life Case Study
Demonstration of the Deck’s transformative power.

HomeJoy Integration Processes
Work with the 20 cards of the Akashic Exploration Activity to accelerate your learning process till next session.

Session 3

Unlocking Soul Wisdom
& Healing

Specific focus on the 20 Akashic Symbols Cards to welcome more deeply what each Symbol offers. 

Invoke Divine Direct Action (DDA)
Experience using card layouts and techniques to invoke DDA for clearing and healing.

Exploration and Symbols Cards that Support DDA
Discover how the Deck supports your request for transformation.

Craft Personalized Affirmations
Amplify your intentions and manifest your desires.

HomeJoy Integration Processes
Work with the 20 cards of the Akashic Symbol Activity to accelerate your learning process till next session.

Session 4

& Continued Growth

Ethical Considerations & Boundaries
Learn best practices for responsible use of the Akashic Illumination Deck.

Address Any Challenges
Complete a three-card draw designed to find and clear any issues you may have with the Deck.

Integrating the Deck into your routine so it becomes your fun, easy, and first choice support.

Trouble-Shooting + Q&A
Time to ask any questions or challenges to solidify your understanding.

Bonus Materials & Community Access
Ongoing support and resources for continued exploration.

This is just a taste of the powerful skills and knowledge you’ll gain throughout the training. By the end of our 4 weeks together, you’ll be using the Akashic Illumination Deck confidently for personal growth. This training equips you with the knowledge and skills you need through several
hands-on experiences with the Deck.

Investment & Bonus

Empower Your Soul’s Journey Today!

This comprehensive 4-week online training program is available
for a one-time investment of only $297.

All the Essentials

Date: Convenient. Start anytime at your own pace!

Time: Flexible. Learn whenever it suits you best!

Where: Available online. Join us from wherever you are!

Link provided upon enrollment.

But wait, there’s more!

As a special thank you BONUS for registering, I’ll mail you the Akashic Illumination Deck
(valued at $44.00 plus $9.00 shipping for a total of $53.00) absolutely free! So you can begin
your journey of self-discovery with the Deck in hand as soon as you receive it in the mail.

Enjoy the Flexibility &  Benefits!

Each week you’ll receive an email from me with the
 link to the next video session to prompt you to seamlessly continue your learning process.

If you’re in a rush, however, you can always log in to AkashicFocus.com to activate the next session at your convenience. Videos for all four sessions continue to be available to you, so you can refresh what you’ve learned whenever you like.

Don’t Miss Out

Register now to join us on this incredible opportunity to learn from the creator of the Deck how to unlock your soul’s wisdom through using the Akashic Illumination Deck!

Click the button below to register now for this 4 week training and
claim your FREE Akashic Illumination Deck!