“Inner Child Delights during Our Quiet Time”

Recently I’ve received several recommendations from my Akashic Records to connect more frequently with my Inner Child.


As a result I’ve been pausing and checking in with her more often, especially when I’m transitioning from one activity to another. “Are you ready to do this?” “Is there something else you’d rather do first?” “How are you feeling?”


This has led to several delightful interactions!


For example – before meditating each morning and late afternoon, I have a
new practice of calling in the Divine, my Higher Self, and then my Inner Child (in my inner vision she usually ends up sitting cross legged in my lap). The experience reminds me of those nesting Russian dolls. The Divine is the largest outer doll, next is my medium sized Higher Self, and then at the heart is my young self who is from 3 to 10 years old. Once we’re stacked together, I feel centered, in alignment, and ready to meditate.

(she loves having her own nickname) and I quietly delight in finding each other again in many special ways.


Sometimes we just cuddle together and rest while I stroke her hair and tell her how amazing she is, all the things I longed to hear when I was a child. Other times we have girl time together – taking long pampering showers or bubble baths full of self-care treats. Last weekend, we made friendship bracelets. Now I wear one for her and one for me on my left (feminine, intuitive, receptive) wrist.

This morning after I’d opened my Records and the Records of the group of people who would ever read this May 2020 Akashic Inspiration, I couldn’t settle to get started on this post. Nothing was coming to me from the Records which is unusual.

So I checked in with Blossom to see if she had any ideas. Immediately she led me outside into our front yard to walk barefoot on the grass. We discovered with surprise that patches of clover were particularly soft and shaded grass was surprisingly cold on the bottom of my feet! Who knew?

Returning inside, she and my Records directed my attention to three card decks my Akashic colleague, Nancy Ring, gifted to me a few years ago when I was just starting to write these Akashic Inspirations. The original idea was to pick a card from each deck as writing prompts. As it’s been some time since my Records guided me to these decks, my Inner Child was just curious to see the pretty pictures. Still waiting for inspiration to flow, I was eager to discover what specific guidance the cards could bring. Just as I’d hoped, they came through with the goods!


So these cards – what are they and how did drawing them contribute to my writing this particular post?

As usual, I chose first to select a card from The Keepers of the Light Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray. I figure it’s always best to start at the top – with the most enlightened folks. As I sit shuffling the deck, I focus on my intention – “Which one of these Ascended Masters comes now with a message about what to write today?” My Records guide me to cut the deck and put the right hand half back in the box. From the remainder, the card I’m guided to draw turns out to be Mary Magdalene, one of my Master Teachers. I’m grateful to feel her presence with me.


Her message from Kyle Grey’s companion book to the deck is: “Teacher Awakens – You have something important to share. Follow the inner call. Don’t let anything stop you. You are being backed by heaven, so step forwards and share all that you have learned.” Well – that was very straight forward. Forget about any of my doubts or hesitations about writing this post. Divine Guidance is here. It’s time to share!

While shuffling The Good Tarot deck by Colette Baron-Reid, my intention is “What theme could the readers of this post most benefit from reading at this time?” For this second card, I am guided to dive deep into the middle of the deck.

The Empress steps forth and brings this message for you:
“Fertility – This is a wonderful time to give birth to new ideas and experiences. Nourishment is assured as you step into a new version of yourself. Your life is rich and ripe with possibility that you can manifest and create. You are a powerful co-creator, and life loves you right now! Your world is brimming with potential and infinite possibility that will manifest for the highest good.”

This is very similar to the messages that I and several of our Akashic grads brought from our Records recently during our monthly Akashic Gathering call. We’d asked our personal Records to show us what we’re most enjoying right now. The general response was that there is much to enjoy right now and getting quiet enough to receive is one of the keys. This is a great time, for those of us fortunate enough to be able to appreciate this special time on our own, to enjoy listening to and discovering who we truly are.

So after getting the green light to share my wisdom, going deeper and finding out what message my readers could best be served by exploring, I turned to the third deck. While shuffling, I asked: “Give me the card from The Akashic Tarot Deck by Sharon Anne Klingler and Sandra Anne Taylor that can show me the most powerful way to present this month’s message?”

With the guidance of my Records I recognized this final card was right on the top of the deck, just waiting to be chosen. It clearly showed me how to frame this month’s story. It’s called “The Garden” and shows a young boy and girl playing happily in a sunny, lush garden.

I quickly realized the details given in the guidebook for this card were unimportant. Instead, it was the children playing in the garden, just like I’d been playing outside with Blossom that was the message. This post was about the co-creative delight of living more consciously with my Inner Child.

Since it’s now time for lunch, I asked Blossom if she’d like to join me in fixing something yummy. Yep – that was a no-brainer, especially when I worked out that instead of the tedious work of chopping and grating coleslaw for our fish burritos we could use that exciting kitchen power tool – my zippy food processor. Zoom! In a flash we had plenty of coleslaw for tomorrow’s lunch too.

A little magic experiment with a Middle Eastern seasoning mix called kidra along with some dill and chili powder turned our mahi-mahi fillets into gourmet fish pronto. My man, bless him, received my psychic email as I was prepping and arrived from mowing the yard by the time the fish was ready to be cooked. We warmed the burritos with some grated cheese in the oven, put everything together, added some chopped avocado on top, and took our plates to the table. What a treat, especially picking up those pieces of slithery avocado that slipped out of our burritos with our fingers! I remembered that as a child I always found food eaten with my fingers tasted so much better than meals eaten with cutlery.

Lunch over, Bill went back to do some further terra forming outdoors and I returned eagerly to this post. After reading what I’d already written, I added the bit about lunch.

for no apparent reason the power died and my computer shut down! Amazingly the electricity powered right back up again after only 10 minutes, about the time I’d decided to continue reading my latest book with Blossom. It’s a sort of fairy tale for grownups called “The Onion Girl” by Charles de Lint. So instead of getting back to writing, we play hooky and read on the couch for a few minutes.

Now I’m back at my desk. Luckily most of my post is coming back up as a recovered document. Whew! Thank you to Ganesh – remover of all obstacles.

I hope by now you’re getting an idea of how this Inner Child work is happening for me. It definitely feels more like Inner Child play.  Knowing Blossom and I are spending this quiet day together, I’ve stopped and asked her frequently what she’d like to do.  We chat back and forth. No matter what happened, what interruptions occurred, the day has unfolded with grace and ease. Instead of feeling like I’m doing my best to push and shove and make something happen in high performance adult mode, I feel relaxed and playful, ready for whatever the Divine brings to me. Thank you, Blossom!


Has your Inner Child been clamoring for some of your attention lately?

Since this aspect of you is highly creative, has the ability to approach life with childlike innocence, and knows without a doubt that magic is real – your Inner Child can be a great resource for you now.

Your invitation, since you’re still here at the end of this post, is to welcome your Inner Child to help you create a rich life, one filled with delightful possibility, which you and all your Highest Beings of Light can manifest together. Then when we can be together again in person, you can share your higher vibration with the rest of the world. We are waiting for you!

Till next time,

Radiance and Love –

PS: At this time, I’m feeling a strong urge to share what I know about learning to access your personal Akashic Records. Other people have been asking me when I’ll be teaching again too. We will meet together by phone once a week in two hour sections over eight weeks. Class size is purposely kept small for lots of personal attention. My Records are keen too and so have invited me to offer you a special 20% discount along with a payment installment plan if required.

For training details, click here:
LIVE Module A: Learn to Access Your Akashic Records

This is a unique learning opportunity. Please email me now if you’ve been getting the nudge to learn to access your personal Akashic Records. Learn how to co-create your own deep clearings, upgrade your inner resources, gain insight into ancestral and past life issues, as well as discover an easier way to gift your Inner Child with the love and attention she / he craves. I’d love to have you join our Akashic Community!

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