“Stop This Crazy World, I Want to Get Off! And yet . . .”

Devastating bushfires continuing to flare in Australia, Coronavirus spreading out of China, caring for one of my best friends as she gracefully navigates a major health challenge, along with the unsettling presidential impeachment proceedings! What’s happening in our world?

Have you been feeling the pressure? Has your vibrational resonance tanked? Mine certainly did and I wasn’t enjoying the experience. I was exhausted on all my levels of being.

All the above continues and undoubtedly more will come.

And yet today I feel much more positive about my life and the world in general!

This is how it happened yesterday in about 60 minutes.

In the quiet of being back at home, resting up from my latest caretaking in Charlotte, I’ve been giving lots of thought to what my focus for 2020 could be. You may remember from my January post that “Focus,” (along with “Embrace” and “Spontaneity”) is one of the Three Key Words for 2020 that my Akashic Records brought to me.

Nothing felt quite right until I heard a spontaneous remark that Louisa (Rev Louisa Dyer) said yesterday from her porch as she said goodbye to me: “This year I want to explore having more fun, more pleasure, and more enjoyment in my life. I don’t have any idea how to do that. I want to learn.”

Delight of chasing pigeons in the snow.

Instantaneously, everything within me in rose up in a focused whirlwind of energy. I responded: “YES – me too!”

Several important truths came to me as I drove home. I also realized my Records had brought me the gist of this February post. 

  • My joining with Louisa’s heart felt request immediately shifted my focus.
  • This is the 2020 focus that I’ve been asking for. How easy was that!
  • Louisa would be an ideal research buddy for this topic and the Divine just offered her to me.
  • Each night I could journal My Delights so by the end of 2020 I’d have a documented description of exactly what brings me joy.
  • 2020 is a 5 Personal Year for me which is all about dynamic change, freedom, and unpredictability. Sounds like a great time to explore the realm of Delight!
  • In the Enneagram system of the nine types of personalities, I learned last year that I lead with Seven. This is the thumbnail sketch of my personality type: The Basic Desire of Sevens is to be satisfied, happy, and fulfilled, and when they are balanced within themselves, their joy and enthusiasm for life naturally affect everyone around them. They remind us of the pure pleasure of existence—the greatest gift of all.” Since I’ve always been a rather somber Seven, I know it’s particularly important for me to delve into delight this year so I can share my innate gifts more fully with others.

As I was thinking about all this download of information on my drive home, I turned on the radio. To my delight, I fell right into a NPR interview titled The Power of Pleasure and Joy. Give yourself a treat and click on the link above. Scroll down to the interview on 1/9/20 – which by Divine intervention was the one I heard on 2/1/20.

Author Ross Gay decided on his 42nd birthday to spend a year writing daily essays about delight. This turned into The Book of Delight. The blurb about the interview states: “What if the most unselfish thing you could do was to pursue pleasure and joy? We make the case for the transformative power of joy, pleasure and delight.” 

Did I need any more confirmation from my Records that this was my most important 2020 focus? No! Their message was loud and clear.

Are events in your world or the larger world getting you down? Then I invite you to join me in turning your attention to wherever you can experience joy and delight. Let’s find the magic in this year! The rest of us and even the planet herself will feel better.

From reading Power vs Force years ago, this is my paraphrase of an idea author David R Hawkins revealed: The rise in vibration of just one person has the potential to positively affect many others and the earth too. This rise can be measured through kinesiology. The higher your vibration rises, the more people you will affect.

One other insightful idea about delight the NPR interview explored was how delight is even more delightful when shared with others. That really struck me as Truth.

Son giving mother bouquet of autumn leaves.
A perfect sunset, meal, song, or a special book have always been even more delightful for me when I’ve shared them with someone I love or even a total stranger.

We can choose to focus on all that is not working well – all the junk – OR we can choose to focus on what delights. I’m choosing de-LIGHT for sure!

Yesterday and today I keep hearing the refrain learned in a high school music class while studying HMS Pinafore by light opera composers Gilbert and Sullivan. It seems like the ideal way to wrap up this post: “Oh joy, oh rapture!”

Love to hear from you about what’s delighted you today. Share your delight and lift us all into a higher vibration. Thank you!

Till next time,

Radiance and Love –


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