by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | Dec 2, 2020 | Access your Akashic Records, Akashic Records Prayer
Have you ever really messed up, goofed, or committed an embarrassing faux pas? Do you still cringe and beat yourself up when you think about it? Could it be time for some Forgiveness Self-Love? Has someone or something hurt you, made you feel unworthy, or that...
by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | Nov 1, 2020 | Access your Akashic Records
This month the Akashic Records invited me to share with you an important Akashic Prayer Process called Heart Integration. The Akashic Alliance received this process several years ago. I engage with Heart Integration frequently (usually daily) for a wide variety of...
by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | Oct 1, 2020 | Access your Akashic Records
For this post the Akashic Records invite me to explore a tough topic with them. Have past or current events brought these same questions to your attention? Death takes many forms. The passing of a favorite pet when we’re children may be our first experience of...
by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | Sep 1, 2020 | Access your Akashic Records, Akashic Training
Community has been a hot topic for me lately. What’s your definition of community? Did you have a large family that created its own self-contained community or were you a single child, perhaps of a single parent, who longed to belong to a larger social crowd? Family...
by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | Aug 1, 2020 | Access your Akashic Records
Over these past weeks, once again, I’ve been guided to return to what I’ve been calling my Shadow Self. This time I’ve been exploring some of my old assumptions. It’s amazing to me how profoundly my assumptions can inspire or inhibit. Some can do both. These...