by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | Apr 1, 2022 | Access your Akashic Records
I’m very excited to share with you the major achievements that Akashic Alliance™ members accomplished in March! Will you join us in our celebration? Introducing our first Module C graduate – Janie MacMillan! I’ve dreamed about passing the Akashic Alliance™...
by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | Jan 1, 2022 | Access your Akashic Records, How to tap into the Akashic Records, Module A Training
May you be blessed as we stand together on the threshold of 2022, or whenever you read this post, with deep meaning in your life, happy connections with those you love, and heart lifting experiences that keep you growing with joy. As the end of year holidays wrap up...
by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | Sep 1, 2021 | Access your Akashic Records, Akashic Training
I hope this post finds you taking good care of yourself by enjoying summer’s fresh bounty and making new friends virtually or in person. I believe we’re all storytellers. It’s part of being human. From ancient times, people have been hardwired to be attracted to...