“Importance and Power of Stories!”

I hope this post finds you taking good care of yourself by enjoying summer’s fresh bounty and making new friends virtually or in person.

I believe we’re all storytellers. It’s part of being human.


From ancient times, people have been hardwired to be attracted to stories, to learn from stories, to remember stories.


Telling stories to yourself and others happens whether you use words or let your body talk say it all as you silently slouch through your life. Everything you do informs you and others about who you think you are and how you feel others perceive you.


You create stories from

·        ancestral shock and trauma that come from as far back as seven generations or more
·        unresolved past life choices and beliefs that you still carry
·        experiences in your current life from the moment of your conception to today
·        and all kinds of other things 

Unfortunately, your subconscious thinks all the stories you tell yourself are your truth, are REAL! This automatic response is great for positive tales. And definitely not so helpful when you relive recurring traumatic nightmares.


When you project the pains of the past into the future, engage in harsh self-talk, or fearfully stop yourself from enjoying all that you are, you’re energizing through your intent and emotion-charged focus exactly what you most desire to escape.


When you recount to yourself and others your “energy vampire stories,” you’re actually sucking the joy and beauty out of yourself and possibly others too. Such stories deprive the rest of us from knowing and loving your most magnificent self – what you soul has called you here to do right now in this life time in your unique way.

We need you to thrive so we can benefit from your wisdom!

Here are some of the recent personal stories that clients have requested an Akashic Records Session with me to rewrite:

Akashic Records Rewrite

Trauma → Magic: 
A return client’s Records identified and cleared key ancestral trauma that was negatively impacting her current life. Afterwards this young lady wrote to say she’s now free to be herself and is feeling the magic in her life again!

Writer’s Block → Eager Writer:
A novice memoir writer who recently learned how to access her Records came to me for some extra Akashic support as she worked with her Records to first identify the six main contributors to her writer’s block. Then her Records gently helped her to clear each one during her session. As a bonus, her Records also helped her develop a writing protocol that will activate each time she accesses her Records and then sits down to write. By the end of her session, she was eager and ready to get back to writing her memoir. Her Records say it’s her first book of many!

Poor Health → Better Health:
A lady struggling with health issues was guided by her Records to explore and release many things holding her back from being a healthier person. She delights in living a new story now – that she’s enjoying ever greater good health.

Family Heartache → Feeling Less Angst:
A mother had family issues with her family of birth that caused her a life much heartache. A week after her session, she wrote to say “I do not feel as sad and hopeless about the situation.” She was clearly living her new story!

Locked in Old Parental Roles → Embracing Their True Souls:
A loving friend and client had an often-recalled early childhood story of an abusive step-mother and a powerless father. Guided by her Records, she was invited to take her previous forgiveness steps even deeper. With the encouragement of her Records, she recognized these souls beyond their roles in her current life time and was able then to welcome them in their higher forms. This was a major shift in her inner story and one she was grateful to make.


Do you have some lingering stories you’d love to rewrite with the help of your Akashic Records to finally be free of those old burdens that are no longer serving your highest good?

If you’ve never had an in-depth Akashic Session, would this be the time to reach out to one of the many professional facilitators now available? Or is it perhaps time now to learn to access and explore your personal Records?


My life work now is teaching the 3 tiers of Akashic Records Trainings brought through by the Akashic Alliance™. I invite you to consider if the Records have an important role to play in your continuing transformation. My Fall 2021 Module A live Zoom training that begins in September only has three places left. Learn how to discover and rewrite your stories to create the future you crave!


Till next time,
Radiance and Love –


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