“Akashic Healing Song from the Angel of Hope”
Hiking up and around the hills surrounding my home with my Akashic Records open, to feel their unwavering support, I suddenly become aware of the many thought forms percolating in my head. They started off innocently enough – reflections about the dreaded summer heat...
“Bereft in the Akashic Garden of Secrets”
For the past few days, she’s been aware of a vague sadness haunting her. She isn’t sure what the grief is about; it’s simply with her. When she finally stops to consider it, she realizes this background tone of sorrow has permeated her feelings for as long as she can...
How Fear and Fury Find Peace in the Garden of Secrets
“That’s it,” she exclaims angrily, “I’ve had it with reading this stuff!” and slams the book down on her desk. While she’s been making some headway in activating her heart’s desire, it’s obvious some internal barrier or restriction hinders her progress. Eager to...
“The Garden of Secrets”
"The Garden of Secrets" Standing at her window, staring at grey skies heavy with more rain and the soggy grass covered in dead leaves, the only color she sees is the gloomy dark of evergreen trees. She’s bored, seriously bored with heaps of restless on top! The long...
“An Akashic Love Story”
"An Akashic Love Story" (If you'd prefer to listen to this story, the audio is right here!) It was time – finally. She’d been feeling the energy for this precise moment building within her for the past month. Heart fluttering in anticipation and excitement, she hopes...
“Walking with Your Soul!”
"Walking with Your Soul!" Welcome to 2018 and a brand new year bursting with possibilities! Have you been searching for . . . the right teacher the right training the right process – your way to learn to access your Truth? If so, I bet you haven’t given...
“Akashic Fairy Tale of a Magical New Year’s Eve”
If you'd prefer to sit back and enjoy the audio version of this post, here it is: As we step into these new energies of 2018, I invite you join me in what may seem like a fairy tale to you. Much to my surprise, this is the article that came from the Akashic Records...
“Akashic Records Gift: Activate Your Divine Diamond”
I’m so excited about this new Akashic Records process I received this fall from the Records, that I’m gifting it now with my love to all who read or listen to this post. That’s right – you won’t have to wait till the holidays for this special gift! "Akashic Records...
“Seeking the Divine”
Welcome to all my long time members, dedicated graduates, and new Akashic friends who have recently subscribed! I'm so excited to finally launch my NEW Akashic Inspirations Posts & Events page! The Records asked me to share the following with you. Whenever you...
I have a new blog!
I'm excited about my new adventure with the Akashic Records. I'll be writing a blog! Check back on Twitter or my Facebook page for interesting articles and insights about the Akashic Records.