This is my last story about my recent trip to Egypt. Next month my Akashic Records tell me we’re off in entirely new direction for the rest of 2019!
The final day of our sacred journey to Egypt overflowed with many unexpected experiences for me. This post is about an illuminating encounter I had that morning while revisiting the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities in Cairo.
That day I learned an important spiritual lesson: Wonderful opportunities are available to you, even when you feel rotten and just want to go home. So pay attention!
A little background before we get to the “incident.”

On the road again!
Above is our faithful driver, Mabruck whose name means “congratulations.” Next is our incredibly knowledgeable Cairo guide, Rania (wearing white sunglasses) who was experienced at group selfies. From the left behind Rania are Victoria, Kate, Lauren, me, and Jennifer.
Note the dashboard Sekhmet statue half hidden behind Mabruck’s hanging prayer beads. In front of us is the back of a horse drawn carriage embellished with silver blessing ornaments.
During our pre-tour week in Cairo, we’d already spent an inspiring half a day walking around the recently renovated Egyptian Museum with Rania.
Originally opened in 1902, the building has been greatly expanded and updated. The newly painted exterior is a distinctive shade of salmon pink, making this downtown Cairo landmark easy to spot. If you love ancient Egyptian artifacts like I do, it’s an inexhaustible treasure house. Don’t miss it if you go to Egypt!
With the rest of the numerous tourist groups, we walked oohing and aahing through the cavernous ground floor, and eventually climbed up the wide staircase to the second floor to explore the Tutankhamun exhibit.
In the early 1960’s when I visited this museum as a child, I clearly remember discovering and happily exploring those three gold cubes that housed Tut’s sarcophagus. I don’t remember having a guide or any other people with me. Eventually some museum guard found me and brought me back to my parents.
Back then the deserted museum overflowed with smaller artifacts scattered in dusty display cabinets. Everything else was just sitting out in the open. Now the entire Tut collection is safely behind glass and the museum is definitely an international tourist hot spot.

Cairo Museum of Antiquities
Here’s one of my favorite photos taken just before we left the museum. I’m sitting at the feet of Sekhmet – the lion headed goddess of healing.
My third visit to the Cairo Museum was entirely different from my two previous ones. That morning after breakfast at our hotel I had some mild diarrhea. In retrospect, it would have been smarter to remain in our spacious room for the day.
However, since we were leaving Egypt early the next morning, I ignored my body and climbed into the van with the rest of our group plus Rania and Mabruck. After a long drive in intense traffic, we arrived and entered the museum.
First stop for the rest of the group was the public restrooms. Rania and I stood patiently downstairs in the museum entryway, waiting for their return. It was a long wait. By then I knew I was in serious trouble. From long experience of tummy troubles while traveling, I knew I could walk or sit, but that standing in one place was never good.
So instead of going through the museum again, I asked Rania if there was some place I could sit. She suggested a row of 3 seats further along in the corridor and near where they’d eventually exit.
Victoria kindly stayed with me as we went to find the seats. Luckily two of the chairs were vacant – my first blessing – as we didn’t see any others!
In my best Arabic, I said “Good Morning” to the Arab lady sitting in the last seat. She replied in Arabic and nodded her head when I gestured to ask if we could sit next to her.
Sitting down in those broken down old chairs – 3 metal frames attached to each other with the seats at a strange 45 degree angle to the floor – felt great!
For what seemed like hours Victoria and I watched the parade of tourists, guessing what nationalities they were. The lady next to me took some medication and from her sighs, I could tell she wasn’t feeling well either. She looked like she’d be a similar age to us and was dressed traditional black robes and head covering.

Water is Life in the desert or even the Cairo Museum!
Eventually I pulled out my liter water bottle and had a cautious sip. I knew I should stay hydrated but also knew too much water would send me running to the restroom, which was now quite a distance away.
Immediately the lady asked me in universal sign language if I’d pour some of my water into her small bottle. That was my first surprise.
I was amazed she didn’t care about my very noticeable cold, which had started on Day 2 of our trip, as I’d been blowing my nose. She was eager for the water, so I filled her bottle. She nodded her thanks with a tired smile. I smiled back and prayed she was immune to my germs.
After more crowd watching, a second surprise. A group of all ages from grandma to a young baby suddenly stopped in front of us and started talking with the lady next to me. From wilting on the lousy chair with us, she picked up amazingly. Obviously her family, they all talked back and forth excitedly.
And then it happened – my intuitive flash.
With all the chatter around me, I suddenly realized that I too had some basic Arabic from living in Saudi Arabia from birth to 15 yrs old. I heard in my head dredged up from my second grade Arabic class the words for “What’s your name? My name is Sandra.”

Pharaoh receiving intuitive guidance from Horus in his falcon shape.
So during a lull in their conversation, I turned to this lady we’d been sitting with for a couple of hours and asked her name and told her mine.
Well – the surprise on her face! It was like one of the huge statues near us suddenly spoke to her.
In confusion she looked to her family and they said something like – “She’s just asked you your name, answer her.” So she turned to me with a hesitant smile, pointed to her heart, and said, “Ismi Hannah.” Or “I am Hannah.”
Immediately we bonded. I pointed at her and said “Hannah?” and she nodded proudly. I gave her a big smile full of relief that I could understand and pronounce her name. Touching my heart, I said, “Ismi Sandra,” and then introduced Victoria to the group.
The happy result was one of the younger women dressed in more western attire, asked us in English the universal first question from Egyptians to tourists: “Where are you from?” When we said, “America,” the warm hearted standard reply came back to us: “Welcome to Egypt! May you enjoy your visit!” The whole family beamed at us.
We had quite a conversation then for a while – me saying the children were beautiful and the family proudly showing them off. The small spry grandmother with shiny dark eyes was particularly interested in connecting with us.
Once Hannah’s family was sure she still preferred to sit and wait for them, that she was okay sitting with us, they took off for more exploring. Hannah and I, rather exhausted by all the excitement, sat quietly together with Victoria.
Now our silence had a totally different quality. Instead of being isolated strangers, we were now companions waiting together to be rescued from the museum.
Eventually Hannah’s family came back and with waves and goodbyes in English and Arabic, they swept her away.
I felt the loss of her presence – this quiet older lady in black. Hannah.
Shortly afterwards, Victoria could see my energy was fading fast and decided it was time to get me back to the hotel. Forget lunch – I wasn’t going to be eating anyway. Forget the afternoon tour of Khan El Khalili, one of the oldest markets in the Middle East. Amazingly, this angel even had Rania’s phone number plus a phone with international calling! She contacted Rania and quickly worked it all out for me.
After the rest of the group stopped for caffeination and snacks outside in the museum courtyard café, we finally headed back to Mabruck’s van. It seemed like a long drive to the restaurant, which was in the direction of our hotel. Mabruck and Rania kindly stayed with me on the street until the Uber she’d called arrived. She gave the driver the hotel name and then told me his fee.
Here’s a sincere “Thank You” to my friend Jennifer who’d used Uber several times in our first week in Cairo and given the service a good report. So I felt comfortable to leave the group and go off into Cairo with this unknown man. I must say I was a bit surprised, though, when I opened the back door and found the whole interior covered in plastic taped together with duct tape! (Jennifer hadn’t mentioned that!)
Although my driver spoke no English and even had to call Rania back for more details of how to find our hotel when my school girl Arabic was useless, I sat back and relaxed while he speedily drove me back to our hotel, honking frequently in the Egyptian way.
I arrived safe and sound, grateful for no embarrassing accidents in the back seat. It was a close call. Thanks to the homeopathic I had with me, I recovered quickly and the flight home was uneventful.
I will remember Hannah with a smile for a long time. To meet her and her friendly family was one of the highlights of my trip. I’m glad I listened to my intuition and spoke to her.
That morning at the museum I learned an important spiritual lesson: Wonderful opportunities ARE available to you, even when you feel rotten and just want to go home. So pay attention!

Goodbye from the Temple Sanctuary
PS: If you’d like to join Sameeta, an Indian spiritual teacher living in India, for one of her life changing sacred journeys to Egypt or perhaps India, I highly recommend her. She created a great itinerary + extras for us. We had lovely hotels, heaps of bottled water every day, and always felt safe and cared for.
With her kind permission, here’s Sameeta’s info:
Next trip to Egypt will be 9th to 18th October 2019.
Her Spiritual Healer Website:
What’s app. +919892000323
If you’d like to initiate a conversation with your Records with me as your Akashic facilitator, click here to set up a private session or here to learn to access your own Records so you can request assistance and inspiration from your Records without leaving home.
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Till next time,
Radiance and Love –
Hi, I’m Sandra, a passionate innovator of the Akashic Records - the energetic database of your Soul in all its lifetimes. In 2005, my Records invited me to become one of the original collaborators of the Akashic Alliance™.
As an Akashic teacher and facilitator, I love making it easy for my learners and clients to engage with their Records to uncover what truly matters most to them.
My most recent Akashic project has been co-creating the Akashic Illumination Deck. This well-tested and unique Akashic resource, designed by the Records of the Deck, activates all your extrasensory perceptions visually and energetically, so you can engage with your Records like never before.
With over 30 years of metaphysical experience, I bring a rich background to my work, including: A Master’s in Metaphysical Education, Certifications in Past Life Regression, Inception Point Therapy®, and BioField Clearing (Basic and Advanced) that I incorporate with the Records when appropriate. I also draw upon my 20 years of intensive Akashic Records Interaction with my own Records, with clients, and while facilitating Modules A, B, and C.