Akashic Training Module A

Learn to Access and Explore Your Personal Akashic Records Module A
Your Records are a dynamic reservoir of information about your Soul in all its lifetimes. If you are at least 18 years old, it is now your birthright to access this energetic database to gently and lovingly assist you with every step of your personal transformation. No previous knowledge is required – only your heart-felt desire to connect with your Records and a willingness to practice.
You now have TWO great options for learning how to access and explore your Records.
1. Learn SELF-PACED ONLINE totally independently. This exciting training is available now – just click on the ONLINE link for all the interesting details. You can begin anytime you like. No need to wait for a group to form!
2. Join a small group for a LIVE ZOOM SERIES of eight cumulative sections of two hours each over eight weeks. This is your best option if you’d prefer to participate with a live group of eager learners in a training that is customized by the Records for each group, if you learn better when you have more structure so you know you’ll definitely complete the training, and would love to ask Sandra your own personal questions as they come to you live on each call. This LIVE training is the focus for this page.
Upcoming LIVE ZOOM SERIES Module A training dates and details are listed at the bottom of this page.
Please complete the Discovery Call request if you are interested.
Benefits of Accessing your Akashic Records
When you change your Records, (and you do every time you access them), you change your life! So why wait to schedule an Akashic Session? When you know how to access and explore your Records yourself, you can use this wonderful modality as frequently as you like, and without paying a fee each time. You can find your own Truth and so much more.
Exploring Your Records
- Enhances your intuition
- Assists you to open your heart so you can clearly know and navigate your life path
- Teaches you well-proven Akashic tools to access, forgive, release, strengthen, and heal
- Enriches any modalities you already use
To access your Records, you are gently guided through a well proven seven-step process of spoken words and silent energetics. You’ll also have plenty of time for personal practice with exciting questions for your Records. Maximum of only EIGHT participants to ensure an optimum learning environment, while allowing time for questions and practice.
Prerequisites: You are at least 18 years old, you have an inner soul calling for this work, and a strong commitment to access your Records.
This training of 24+ hours of Akashic contact consists of three distinct parts:
(Underlined headings are live links to more details. Then you can use the back arrow to come back to this page.)
1. To Help You Prepare:
This innovative Akashic process is unique to this program. It gently and gracefully releases, through all your lifetimes for your highest good, anything hindering your upcoming Akashic learning process. It begins a week prior to the training.
Heart Integration Exploration
MP3 of a 90 minute training by Sandra for a group of Module A grads introducing this Akashic Essential.
2. Akashic Training Elements:
24 Hours: Recorded Three-Hour Zoom Meetings
Explore exciting Integration Processes with the rest of the group and then listen as they share their experiences to deepen your own experience. Training consists of eight cumulative recorded Zoom Meetings of two hours each over eight weeks.
Five Short Recordings of Key Akashic Components
These recordings are ready for your review any time you like. They include: Heart Integration, Method to Open, Prayer of Forgiveness, Clearing Prayer Process, and Invocation.
Comprehensive Module A Training Manual PDF
This manual minimizes your need for extensive notes, so you can relax, sit back, and easily absorb each section. It’s loaded with relevant content, Integration Processes to integrate everything you have learned so far, Akashic Tips, and bonus materials. To easily follow along and add your own notes, your Akashic Manual works best for you when you print it and place it in a binder before the first section begins.
Opportunity to Join Our Private Facebook Akashic Community
Sandra has facilitated Akashic Trainings for the past 16 years. The most important thing she’s learned as a teacher is that your ability to succeed increases significantly when you have community and support.
3. Post-Training Bonus Materials:
Certificate of Completion PDF & Ceremony
During your Akashic graduation ceremony, Sandra blesses you and lovingly hands you over to the Wisdom Keepers of your Records, so they can continue as your teachers each time you access with the Akashic Alliance Method to Open.
Bonus Acceleration Processes
Six dynamic Integration Processes you can use to delve even more deeply into your Records and evolve – all received from the Records by another Akashic Alliance Co-Founder – Nancy Ring.
Weekly reminder tips from the Akashic Records to encourage you to deepen your Akashic explorations.
PLUS Complementary Mentoring with Monthly Akashic Tele-Gatherings
Open only to LIVE training graduates to further enhance your personal Akashic explorations with ongoing Akashic support.
About These Akashic Trainings
Whenever Sandra presents any type of metaphysical training, she brings exactly what that group needs and how to share it with them. This is possible because she’s continually customizing her presentations from the viewpoint of the Records of that particular group of people who have come together at that specific time and place (including online learners). She doesn’t open the Records of any individual when presenting, just the group’s Records. This results in highly relevant and interesting trainings with examples and integration processes (exercises) targeted to the unique requirements of those attending, for their optimum learning experience with grace and ease.
All our Akashic Alliance trainings came directly from the Akashic Records to inspire you so you can then empower yourself (and others). After you are comfortable exploring your own Records, if you desire, you can continue to expand your knowledge of this amazing energetic resource by learning how to professionally access and explore the Records of other people, places, and things – Module B.
These Akashic trainings are suitable for members of traditional religious and/or spiritual churches. Belief in something Sacred to you is essential. The trainings also enhance your intuition and assist you to open your heart so you can know and clearly navigate your life path with greater clarity and joy. Each module gives you time tested Akashic tools to prepare, access, forgive, release, and heal and shows you how to use them for the highest good of all. If you are a massage therapist, life coach, nurse, alternative health practitioner, psychologist, social worker, trainer, etc. then it is invaluable to have the ability to access at least your own Records to support your best work with Divine Guidance and Assistance – both for you and your clients.
Your Personal Investment:
$1200 when paid 3 weeks in advance and $1500 after that
For Sandra’s Refresher Grads: $600.
SPRING 2024 LIVE Zoom Module A Akashic Training:
Thursdays for eight consecutive weeks beginning March 7 and ending April 25, 2024 from 1:30 – 3:30pm ET each week. Please set up a Discovery Call with Sandra to ask any questions and discover whether this Akashic training is right for you. Maximum of eight participants.
Let's schedule a time for your free Discovery Call!
During your Discovery Call, you will:
Clarify the depth of topics you can explore to quickly resolve
your key issues without needing to rehash tired old stories.
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Learn how you can move into greater alignment with the Divine
and trust your Inner Wisdom.
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Discover how to find your own unique truth – NOT what’s worked for others – so you feel more confident, less fearful, and more playful!