You may remember my January post this year described what I called the “Letting Go Game.” I’ve been playing this game intentionally and with much awareness (or obliviously) for the past five months. I’m amazed at where I’ve ended up in the middle of 2019!
What marvels will the rest of this year bring? For the past couple of years, my Akashic Records have gently prepared me for each small step – only encouraging me to let go of what I was able to at the time. My Records knew my long range plan, while I was clueless.
So this is the continuation of my letting go story, dear hearts. It’s also a call to notice if you or anyone you care about starts saying: “My toes feel like twigs. My feet feel strange and numb.” You might think about referring them to me – not for an Akashic Session – just for a chat.
Since I learned to open my Records in 2004 and the Records of others in 2005, sharing the amazing resource of the Akashic Records through talks, posts, private sessions, and trainings has been my passion.
It still is – only now my Records have requested that I become my primary client.
This means that instead of putting everyone else first, I’m finally learning to put myself first. This is a totally new life pattern for me.
While hiking in Ireland and England last summer, it became very clear that I could no longer ignore my impaired balance and numbness of my feet. I came home with a clear mission to find professional help.
As happens when you make a heartfelt request in alignment with your highest good, the assistance and confirmation events appeared as I was ready for each one.
Then I came home from my life changing spiritual pilgrimage to Egypt with walking pneumonia. Ugh! For several months I had no choice but to stop and evaluate what I was doing with my life.
My intuitive reflexologist, Phyllis Weimar, bravely shared her vision that I’d soon be putting the Akashic Records on the shelf – only getting them down again occasionally when my soul was drawn to work with a client or facilitate a training. (I was shocked at first and then strangely relieved.)
My dear friend and knowledgeable Ayurvedic Practitioner, Julia Monet, shared a vital recommendation from a friend of hers to the Greenspan Wellness Center for neuropathy reversal in Black Mountain.
In early March I asked one of my gifted Akashic colleagues, Gayle Ray, for an Akashic Session to look more deeply into the purpose of the walking pneumonia and how the illness connected to my Akashic work.
My Records began by making it clear that a big change was happening:
“Your work may take different avenues than you expect, so be prepared for change that’s coming – in a good way. You’re opening new doors to experience the Divine and relate that experience to others. The Records offer you to see / feel / know a door is in front of you.”
After walking through that door, my Records with Gayle as the facilitator cleared these concerns:
- What will others think of me if I am not available for Akashic work 24/7?
- My worries about letting down my Akashic family.
- Numerous aspects of duty, loyalty, and shoulds about work – all parental patterns.
This is a synopsis of the rest of that Akashic session:
“We support you to let yourself be in rest mode until you’re no longer in rest mode. Let this new “whatever it is” come to you as you rest. Rest in the Divine. Things will come to you that aren’t able to come when you’re busy. Give yourself permission to stop doing what you’re not drawn to do. We give you our permission. This is not a demotion. This new direction is a promotion.”
During an Akashic recheck with Gayle two weeks later, the following confirmation came from my Records:
“During this quiet time, the essence of who you are is expanding to a higher dimension. To do this, you need to give up your jitteriness. Follow your inner guidance. Your soul is seeking expansion. To do this, you have to move into a quiet place.”
About a month later, I began the Greenspan Wellness Center neuropathy reversal program which requires 90 minutes of home therapy twice daily in addition to a schedule of nutritional supplements, a change to an anti-inflammatory diet, and weekly office visits for more intensive laser therapy.
Suddenly my life as I knew it totally shifted. It became very simple. My prime focus became healing my feet. A few months prior my Records had alerted me during a personal Akashic session: “You’ll become your primary client.” And so I have.
Now, because I’m sitting with the home therapy each day, it’s easy to continue my regular twice daily Vedic Meditation practice. As recommended by my Records, I’ve also added a daily half hour of what we’ve been calling “Akashic Silence” where I ask no questions – simply relax and receive for my highest good while I surrender to the Divine.
Weekdays I include another half hour of diving deeply into my Records focused on whatever aspect of neuropathy or health my Records bring to me. I’ve been exploring forgiveness of myself and others, clearing numerous detrimental emotions, and have gone back yet again to the circumstances of my birth.
As I’ve been on this journey to better health, along with the practitioners mentioned above, I have also been fortunate to work with many others that I’d like to acknowledge.
- Lynn Harris for clearing my blocked lymph so I could fly overseas in comfort.
- Nature and Louisa Dyer who accelerated my healing from the walking pneumonia. Now we’re supporting healing the neuropathy symptoms with flower essences.
- William Andersen, my Osteopath and all around energy practitioner, who continues to gently care for my whole body and spirit as he has for years.
To understand my personal strengths and weaknesses better, from last fall I’ve been studying:
- the Enneagram in the narrative tradition in weekly small groups and occasional retreats facilitated by the multi-gifted Rev. Carol Hovis.
- While I’ve dabbled in Human Design for the past 15 years, I’m really enjoying exploring focused aspects of Human Design in small groups with Vicky Goodridge once a month by phone.
Through these two important modalities and these two heart-centered facilitators, I’m gaining further clarity about essential truths connected to my unique self and how I can easily get caught up in overwork.
As always, my Akashic partner, Nancy Ring, continues to be a constant in my life as we explore new Akashic processes (like what we’ve been calling the Akashic Silence). We also enjoy ongoing conversations with the Records related to living our lives aligned with our soul purposes.
My dear husband, Bill Sprowls, my Records, the Divine, and all my Divine Helpers of course have been with me every step of the way. I’m always grateful for their continued support and unconditional love.
If you’d like contact information for any of these practitioners,
just email me here.
Yep, I’ve been a busy gal in the first half of this year!
If you’ve felt me being distant, I’ve had to withdraw in order to focus on me. It appears likely that I’ll continue this personal focus for at least the rest of 2019, so I ask for your patience and prayers.
Therefore I now release myself from my commitment to post these monthly Akashic Infusions on the first of each month. Instead of asking the Records for a post each month to share with you, I now understand that whenever it’s time for me to write, the Records will bring the information to me!
So where does my healing journey leave you?
What is the Akashic Field bringing to the blackboard of your inner vision?
For some great ideas, check out my updated “Akashic Opportunities” sidebar found to the right of each post.
Thank you to all who have read any of my initial newsletters or these Akashic Inspiration posts. I greatly appreciate your loving support and the opportunity to expand my own understanding of all things Akashic over the years through what I’ve been guided to share with you. You all hold a special place in my heart.
Till next time,
Radiance and Love –
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Hi, I’m Sandra, a passionate innovator of the Akashic Records - the energetic database of your Soul in all its lifetimes. In 2005, my Records invited me to become one of the original collaborators of the Akashic Alliance™.
As an Akashic teacher and facilitator, I love making it easy for my learners and clients to engage with their Records to uncover what truly matters most to them.
My most recent Akashic project has been co-creating the Akashic Illumination Deck. This well-tested and unique Akashic resource, designed by the Records of the Deck, activates all your extrasensory perceptions visually and energetically, so you can engage with your Records like never before.
With over 30 years of metaphysical experience, I bring a rich background to my work, including: A Master’s in Metaphysical Education, Certifications in Past Life Regression, Inception Point Therapy®, and BioField Clearing (Basic and Advanced) that I incorporate with the Records when appropriate. I also draw upon my 20 years of intensive Akashic Records Interaction with my own Records, with clients, and while facilitating Modules A, B, and C.