When I asked the Akashic Records what I could write about the topic of Forgiveness that would be a fresh approach, they offered me the Akashic Infusion of Versatility. It felt absolutely right to incorporate versatility as my focus for this post about forgiveness.
Have you ever wondered . . .
- What important aspect of forgiveness you might be missing?
- Why sometimes it’s so hard to forgive someone?
- How you can tell when you’ve successfully forgiven someone?
Approaching Forgiveness with New Eyes
People often think of forgiveness as something connected to someone else. In this perception, forgiveness is so beneficial because it sets you free from persistent unwanted thoughts, knee jerk reactions, and repetitious patterns about this other person. You don’t need to agree with or support harmful behavior to forgive it. All this is true and yet there is more.
Here are some other aspects of forgiveness that are helpful to consider whenever you engage in a practice of forgiveness.
Yes – who is that other person involved that you would benefit from forgiving?
Were other people participating in some way, even as silent observers? Did cultural biases or national beliefs play a part? Did you reject the Divine in some way before, during, or after the incident?
Would it be helpful to forgive yourself for whatever you contributed to the situation – through your actual words, unspoken intention, energetic vibration, perhaps even your body language? Did your Inner Child act out inappropriately because she was seeking attention or didn’t have the maturity to understand the truth of what was happening around her? Self forgiveness can also be a powerful way to free yourself from your own negative self talk and beliefs. Nobody else may even be involved.
Timing and recurring patterns are also something to consider. Does the issue you have with yourself, someone else, or something else come from a past life or stressful experience of one of your ancestors? These parts of yourself can also greatly benefit from your forgiveness.
This last area of potential forgiveness is a little unusual, and yet I’ve found this to be very powerful to consider from time to time. What physical object (gun, knife, car?) or physical place (high school, accident scene, hospital?) connected to the incident could you benefit from forgiving?
These are just a few of the aspects of forgiveness to explore – especially whenever you struggle to forgive. Are you getting a better understanding of how versatile this topic is?
Forgiveness can be complicated because there are so many parts to consider. Go slowly. Be patient and loving with yourself. Come back and look for other aspects if you don’t feel complete.
You know you’ve been successful in your forgiveness practice when you can remember or talk about the incident without emotion or blame. When you can see the gift or the blessing from the whole encounter, that’s when you can know you have truly forgiven.
Demystifying the Akashic Records
Before we delve deeper into the topic of Forgiveness from the Akashic perspective, here’s a quick refresher on what the Akashic Records are. The Akashic Field (the term I prefer) is the energetic reservoir of your Soul’s experiences throughout all lifetimes. Within this sacred database – the wisdom of your Soul – you also can access higher aspects of yourself, such as your forgiveness, archetypes, angels, guides, and the Divine.
What the Records of the Akashic Illumination Deck share about this card . . .

“Forgiveness” Explorations Card from the Akashic Illumination Deck.
Forgiveness is never about condoning. You’re not being asked to say whatever happened was okay or doesn’t matter. You’re not being asked to be a victim, a martyr, or to turn the other cheek. So if ideas like that stopped you from forgiving in the past, then know that’s not where we’re headed.
Forgiving is all about YOU. When you forgive yourself, someone else, or something else, you release yourself from continually reliving all that old pain. You release yourself from the story, the visions, the memories, the detrimental emotions, the sounds, the smells, the whole experience!
You have the opportunity to release yourself from all of it. And then you’re FREE! That’s the purpose of forgiveness – to set YOU free!
When you no longer have that burden from the past continually weighing you down, making you nauseous, breaking your heart, or irritating you – imagine how much more energy you’ll have to do the things you’re here to do and the things you love!
Forgiveness can also be helpful for past lives and ancestors connected to a detrimental pattern, core belief, or inappropriate vows – anything that’s no longer serving your highest good.
Video Journey into Forgiveness
Would you appreciate a visual opportunity to connect with the energy of Forgiveness? I invite you to watch this beautiful short video crafted by my assistant, Loredana Espinoza, for a visual journey to help you connect with the power of Forgiveness.

“Forgiveness” Video from @AkashicIlluminationDeck.
To receive the most from this video, consider watching it more than once – as part of your forgiveness practice. Then sit quietly, open your heart, and forgive yourself, another, or the Divine.
If you’d like to learn more about forgiveness, then I recommend my previous post: “The Akashic Path to True Forgiveness” which also includes the Akashic Alliance™ Prayer Process called the Prayer of Forgiveness mentioned in the integration process below. There are also many excellent books written about this topic. Explore!
Prayer of Forgiveness Integration Process . . .
If you are unsure about whom to forgive, begin this process by asking your Records: “Who or what could most benefit from my forgiveness at this time?” Then proceed.
- What disturbs me about this person / situation?
- What is their part in this?
- What is my part?
- What did I learn from this person / situation – about them and about me?
- What am I willing to forgive and release now?
- Read aloud the Prayer of Forgiveness until you are complete with it.
- Then spend some time feeling the healing energy that comes through from the Records about this person / situation.
- This process is now complete – unless you want to look at and trace this pattern back to its original source. Let your Records guide you to follow all the threads / buttons.
AKASHIC TIP: When you ask your Records open-ended questions beginning with “Who,” “What,” “When,” Where,” “Why,” and “How” you’ll receive more useful answers than questions that can be answered with a simple “Yes” or “No.”
Illuminate Your Path with the Akashic Illumination Deck
What better companion could you have for this Forgiveness adventure than the Akashic Illumination Deck designed by the Akashic Records to guide you along your path to self-discovery and spiritual awakening?
With its enchanting blend of imagery, symbolism, and heartfelt intuition, this Akashic development tool serves as a mirror to your Soul – reflecting the beauty, wisdom, and magic within.
So grab your Deck, shuffle those cards, and let the whispers of your Akashic Records guide you on a profound journey of growth, healing, and enlightenment.
Would you like to be transported to a place as near as inside yourself and as far as the limitless universe? Vibrant experiences with your Akashic Records await! Let’s illuminate them together. Click the link to discover more about the Akashic Illumination Deck and how to purchase the print or digital version. To find out more about the Deck – subscribe to AID News.
BREAKING NEWS – Take a peek!
Join me for “Unleashing Your Soul’s Wisdom: A 4Wk Journey to Master the Akashic Illumination Deck for Personal Use!” where you can learn best practices and Akashic Tips for using the Akashic Illumination Deck. This comprehensive training begins live on April 3, 2024. If you can’t make that date, you can also learn from the video recordings of each week. Contact Sandra at Sandra@AkashicFocus.com to discover more.
Final words . . .
Engaging with your Akashic Records when seeking forgiveness is a transformative journey.
Curious about learning more about forgiveness through your Records? Have you ever forgiven yourself or another in a powerful way? How did that change your life? Share your thoughts or questions below my signature block in the comments.
Remember: This ideas in this post come from my years of experience as an Akashic Records expert. Your journey is unique, so explore and discern what resonates best with you in the infinite realms offered by your Akashic Records.
Recommended Akashic Alliance™ Facilitators
NOTE: My own Records recently invited me to open my calendar to a few select monthly clients after a break of three years while I was co-creating the Akashic Illumination Deck!
Therefore, if you have a strong desire to undertake a deeper exploration of your Akashic Records with my expertise to guide you during a package of 5 or 10 Akashic sessions (see turquoise bars towards the bottom of the page) then begin by booking your Discovery Call with me. During each session, you’ll join me in a facilitated experience with your Records so you can personally experience working directly with them.
If you’d rather begin with just a single session, I highly recommend my experienced Akashic Alliance™ Facilitators. All are my graduates and would be happy to introduce you to your Records. Extra Bonus: All are also experienced in incorporating the Akashic Illumination Deck with clients.
I invite you to have a look at their websites if one is available, or reach out to any of these excellent facilitators for a Discovery Call. I happily work with any of them whenever I feel I’d like extra energy in the Records or a fresh approach to a complicated topic.
Janie and Jenny are currently teaching Module A’s live in person or by Zoom.•
Janie MacMillan macmillan19@gmail.com janiemac.com/home
Jenny Kellogg stars@amaltheaastrology.com www.amalthea.guide
Since the following are not training, they may have quicker availability for an Akashic Session.
Gayle Ray gayleray@bellsouth.net gayleray.com
Marilyn Kenoyer mskenoyer@gmail.com
Maria DiSanti sudasidisanti@gmail.com
Till next month . . .
Radiance and Love –
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It’s easy! Just scroll to the very bottom of the page below my signature block. I personally reply to everyone, even if it may take me a while. Every remark helps my post to rank higher on Google. Thank you for helping my Akashic Inspirations reach more people!
Hi, I’m Sandra, a passionate innovator of the Akashic Records - the energetic database of your Soul in all its lifetimes. In 2005, my Records invited me to become one of the original collaborators of the Akashic Alliance™.
As an Akashic teacher and facilitator, I love making it easy for my learners and clients to engage with their Records to uncover what truly matters most to them.
My most recent Akashic project has been co-creating the Akashic Illumination Deck. This well-tested and unique Akashic resource, designed by the Records of the Deck, activates all your extrasensory perceptions visually and energetically, so you can engage with your Records like never before.
With over 30 years of metaphysical experience, I bring a rich background to my work, including: A Master’s in Metaphysical Education, Certifications in Past Life Regression, Inception Point Therapy®, and BioField Clearing (Basic and Advanced) that I incorporate with the Records when appropriate. I also draw upon my 20 years of intensive Akashic Records Interaction with my own Records, with clients, and while facilitating Modules A, B, and C.