Unveiling the Boundless Power of Divine Resources
As a seasoned Akashic Records expert, I’m delighted to share here about the empowering concept of “Divine Resources” – a Divine gift available to all who are open to receiving it. For many years, I’ve been requesting Divine Resources as a key part of my Divine Direct Action (DDA) process.
If you’ve drawn the Divine Resources card from the Akashic Explorations Activity of the Akashic Illumination Deck, then this post will help you further activate the opportunities this card offers!
TIP: It’s always a good practice when doing any energetic clearing work to complete the process by filling the empty space just created with positive energy. What could be better than immediately requesting Divine Resources!

Explorations: Divine Resources Card from the Akashic Illumination Deck.
Basically, I first investigate the higher purpose of an issue with the Akashic Records. Then, if appropriate and I have permission from my Soul, I request Divine Source energy to clear and heal all aspects of the issue. Lastly, I request (invoke) the Divine to download those Divine Resources into all levels of my being, through all time and space.
You might think of this as a spiritual spring cleanse – a refreshing and liberating experience that allows you to release negative patterns and open yourself to new possibilities. Invoking Divine Resources makes it easier for you to tune into the higher vibrations that resonate on the level of the Divine. Such inner work is a profound act of self-empowerment, which paves the way for greater personal growth and spiritual expansion.
What are some examples of Divine Resources?
Divine Resources are unlimited positive, uplifting, empowering blessings, assistances, or sources of support which hold the potential to ignite the spark of transformation within you.
The most powerful Divine Resources are those that come to you from your heart-felt desire or your Records. I find my clients are very adept at receiving such Divine Resources from their Records. Ask and be patient as you open your heart to receive this bounty.
Occasionally, it’s helpful to have a chart of possible Divine Resources to bring you ideas and to spark new resources related to those listed. I’ve created my own to share with you. If you’re proficient in dowsing, you can dowse this chart.
Personally, I find it works best when I note where my eyes are immediately drawn on the chart and then double check that word with my Records. It’s in alphabetical order because sometime I receive the first letter or syllable from the Records. Checking the list helps me to open to receive the Divine Resource my soul seeks.
Why request Divine Resources?
How does Divine Healing work? What is a Divine Reset?
For me and many others, the Divine has the proven ability to clear and heal things that we are unable to do on our own. Time to request Divine Assistance!
The Divine also clears and heals through all time and space and to a depth beyond my comprehension. Lastly, the Divine does all this with Divine grace and ease – so something that seems insurmountable for me to change – now dissolves.
Once I experienced this Divine assistance for myself and with my clients, a process eventually evolved that I now call “Divine Direct Action” or DDA. In this process, I request the Divine to actively step forward and take action to clear or heal a specific issue that no longer serves my (or my client’s) highest good.
This is a powerful reset procedure that gives us the opportunity to shed emotional baggage and embrace a clean slate.
What are these Akashic Records again?
Your Akashic Records are a dynamic reservoir of all the emotions, intentions, and experiences of your soul throughout all its lifetimes. Through your Records, you can connect to higher aspects of yourself, your angels and guides, and to the Divine.
The Akashic Field (the term I prefer) is an energetic soul resource containing information about past, present, and potential future events, as well as knowledge of your unique soul.
Process to Invoke (Request) Divine Direct Action . . .
How might you connect to Divine Source? If you have a heartfelt connection to a Higher Power than yourself with a deep desire and will to change – you can follow the steps below to begin to connect to the Divine. If you have a method to access your Akashic Records, then that is recommended.
1. Ensure your privacy. Create your Sacred Space and center yourself. (I prefer to use the Akashic Alliance™ process called Heart Integration.)
2. Access your Akashic Records with your method or activate a deep heartfelt connection with yourself, your intuition, and the Divine. Request the Divine to at least begin the transformation you’re seeking. Gather your Highest Beings of Light around you and open yourself to all this support. You might notice how you feel about the issue for which you’re requesting assistance and then rate it on a scale of 1 – 10.
3. Ask any questions you have about the issue that is creating pain for you – physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. It may be helpful to understand when and how this issue began. What your part was in creating it. Whether forgiveness of self or others would be beneficial. Or anything else you might require to understand enough about the issue for you to be quite clear that you’re ready right now to let go of the initiating pattern, belief, vow, etc. and respond in a new and healthier way.
4. Invoke the Divine to initiate the Divine Direct Action required to clear or heal this issue for you for the highest good of you and anyone else concerned. Be fully present and aware of how the Divine customizes this clearing for you. I find it helpful to journal my experience to facilitate my focus because documenting a spiritual experience makes it more real for me.
5. Lastly, invoke those Divine Resources most beneficial to support your new growth. Usually three to five Divine Resources is sufficient. However, you can have as many as you like! After all – Divine Resources are limitless.
Once I feel I have journalled my key resources, then I invoke the Divine to fill all levels of my being with them through all time and space by reading each Divine Resource aloud slowly with an open heart and expansive breaths.
6. Notice how you feel now compared to how you felt at the beginning of this process. Perhaps you’ll rate how you feel now on your 1 – 10 scale. Journal a few words to anchor this new you. When you feel complete, please close your Records in your normal way or thank the Divine.
Conclusion: Embrace Divine Resources, Reset Your Soul
To conclude, I invite you to continue with your journey of self-discovery and empowerment whenever you embrace the spiritual wisdom and enlightenment that awaits you in the Akashic Records.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this post are based on my experiences as an Akashic Records expert. Each person’s journey is unique. I encourage you to explore and discern what resonates best with you.
I thank my teachers for helping me to evolve my understanding of Divine Resources in various ways. Dr. Bradley Nelson – author of The Emotion Code, Cheryl Sullivan – founder of Inception Point Therapy®, and Dr. Jane Smolnik – founder of BioFIeld Clearing.
Remember, discovering and invoking Divine Resources with the assistance of your Records is most powerful when it’s an ongoing process that supports you to continuously evolve.
If you prefer to experience the full benefits of activating Divine Direct Action and receiving Divine Resources facilitated for you during an Akashic Session, you may find it highly beneficial to request the added energy of a well-trained Akashic Alliance™ Facilitator to be your Akashic guide.
Thoughts or questions about welcoming Divine Resources? Please leave a comment below my signature block. I would love to hear about your experiences and continue this conversation with you!
Recommended Akashic Alliance™ Facilitators
NOTE: My own Records recently invited me to open my calendar to a few select monthly clients after a break of two+ years while I was co-creating the Akashic Illumination Deck!
Therefore, if you have a strong desire to undertake a deeper exploration of your Akashic Records through a package of 5 or 10 Akashic sessions (see turquoise bars towards the bottom of the page) then begin by booking your Discovery Call with me. During each session, you will join me in a facilitated experience with your Records so you can personally experience working directly with them.
If you’d rather begin with just a single session, I highly recommend my experienced Akashic Alliance™ Facilitators. All are my graduates and would be happy to introduce you to your Records.
I invite you to have a look at their websites if one is available, or reach out to any of these excellent facilitators for a Discovery Call. I happily work with any of them whenever I feel I’d like extra energy in the Records or a fresh approach to a complicated topic.
Janie and Jenny are currently teaching Module A’s live in person or by Zoom.•
Janie MacMillan macmillan19@gmail.com janiemac.com/home
Jenny Kellogg stars@amaltheaastrology.com www.amalthea.guide
Since the following are not training, they may have quicker availability for an Akashic Session.
Gayle Ray gayleray@bellsouth.net gayleray.com
Marilyn Kenoyer mskenoyer@gmail.com
Maria DiSanti sudasidisanti@gmail.com
Till next month . . .
Radiance and Love –
How can you ask a question or leave a comment?
It’s easy! Just scroll to the very bottom of the page below my signature block. I personally reply to everyone, even if it may take me a while. Every remark helps my post to rank higher on Google. Thank you for helping my Akashic Inspirations reach more people!
So glad to have this information, Sandra! You are an amazing teacher and facilitator of the Records. It’s exciting to see this wonderful library of Resources being created! Always, thank you.
Thank you for your sweet note, Gayle, and your ongoing support! It was great for me to be able to write this post with the Records that covered so much about Divine Resources and how to access them through our Records. You know that I love to document. Many life times as the “scribe” and the “recorder” support me in this desire.
Sandra, Your words are always so uplifting to my soul. Thank you for sharing and being the wonderful person that you are. Joy sparkles and dances around you.. Your energy is as beautiful as the babbling brook that plays beside your home..
Much❤️ Love, 😊🌱 Sherry
Thank you dear Sherry for reading my post this month and for your support! I’m glad to hear that it was an uplifting experience for you. I have had you in my prayers again when I heard you’d had pneumonia, so I do hope you’re feeling much better now! Sending my love – Sandra