“5 Easy Steps to Find Yourself in Front of the Divine!”

This month the Akashic Records invited me to share with you an important Akashic Prayer Process called Heart Integration. The Akashic Alliance received this process several years ago.

I engage with Heart Integration frequently (usually daily) for a wide variety of reasons: to request Divine Direct Action for myself, when facilitating Akashic sessions for clients, when teaching or presenting talks about the Akashic Records, and whenever I request personal or global healing.

Are you ready for some good news? You don’t need to access your Records to activate Heart Integration! Actually, it’s the first thing we do each time to center ourselves before accessing the Records.

If you’re one of my Akashic clients, graduates, or hope to soon be one of my eager learners so you too can access the Records – this post is for you.

This article is also for you if you would like to surrender whatever is no longer serving your highest good, to request healing, and if you’d like an Akashic spiritual practice to open to receive more of all the Divine is offering to you.


What is this Heart Integration?

Heart Integration is a prayer process that came from the Akashic Records as the recommended way to center yourself or a client before accessing the Records. It’s also a fantastic way to connect with the Divine and request the Divine Direct Action that initiates the transformation you’re seeking.

Heart Integration consists of five simple consecutive steps you follow to co-create with whatever is most sacred and holy to you – what I call the Divine.  With practice you’ll discover a rich, profound, and direct connection with the Divine.

Sounds simple, right? It is – and so wonderful! I invite you to keep reading. Later in this post, you’ll find the link to join me as I guide you through an experience of Heart Integration.

What are the results, over time, of frequent immersion in Heart Integration?

Instead of feeling isolated, unsupported, confused, and unloved, – stuck in your pain, grief, or loss – you have the opportunity to live more of your life in the direct Light and Grace of the Divine. This has been my experience and the feedback I’ve received from many others.

When Heart Integration becomes part of your spiritual practice, you find you’re happier, good things happen more often, your slightest thoughts frequently manifest with grace and ease (another reason to ensure your self-talk is positive!), and you’re rarely lonely even as we continue to isolate.

Each time I take myself into Step 5 of Heart Integration and find myself once again in front of the Divine, I reconnect with my Inner Divinity. I remember I AM a unique, physical aspect of Divine Oneness. I can request the most benevolent outcome for any issue.

Using my imagination, the language of my soul, I welcome the Sacred Heart of the Divine to connect to my heart through an energetic Heart Light Circle and then create a powerful Healing Circle filled with Divine Healing Light.

Sound interesting?

 For the first few months as I experienced Heart Integration, I found I needed to follow along with a hard copy of these five steps to ensure I completed each step. I couldn’t complete each step to the best of my ability and also keep track of the next step. Although this process seems very simple, I found with practice that it became a very profound experience. This is the information I share with clients, learners, and groups about Heart Integration.

Akashic Alliance Heart Integration

If you’re not familiar with the five steps of Heart Integration, just click the live link above for the PDF. You might like to print it too so you can easily refer to all five steps and the optional Heart Integration Prayer  later in this post. Please note that this document is under copyright.

Pretty simple, right?

And here’s the SUPER important part!

In the spirit of Halloween, I invite you to think of the above five steps as just the skeleton of Heart Integration. They are merely dry words used to describe a dynamic, living experience of Divine connection that you co-create with the Divine.

Would you like to find yourself in front of the Divine in Step 5 so YOU can request whatever is for your highest good? 

To make it easy for you to put all these steps together, the Records have invited me to create a brief recording of Heart Integration to be an example of one way to interact with these five simple, and yet so profound, steps of Heart Integration.

Here it is
. I invite you to click on this link to join me as I walk you through just one way to activate all five steps of Heart Integration.

Yes! I do encourage you to activate Heart Integration at home – preferably frequently!

If you enjoyed this recording, I invite you to save it in your personal audio files so you can easily follow along with me for as long as it’s helpful to you.

However, instead of relying on this recording to be your guide, I encourage you to take the five steps of Heart Integration and embrace them through your personal connection to what is sacred and holy to you!

To help you do this, I’ll break Heart Integration down for you – similar to how I would during a Module A Akashic Training. This explanation will help you to dive deeply into all the energetics of this wonderful experience and create it in a fresh way for yourself each time you come to Heart Integration.

Remember, reading the five static steps of Heart Integration straight from the PDF does not create Heart Integration for you.

Heart Integration becomes animated in harmony with your unique self and the Divine when you activate Heart Integration by experiencing this process as guided by the Divine in that moment.

The Divine is infinitely creative. If we tried to lock the Divine in a rigid box of five precise steps that never changed – this dynamic Akashic prayer process would very quickly have lost all its Divine Life Force.

If the term “all your levels of being,” is new to you, then this chart explains each one. I encourage you to first connect with and then welcome each level of your being.


Handy Explanation about your Four Levels of Being


Physical Body Always the first level mentioned. This includes all your cells, bodily systems, chakras, meridians, etc. – wherever in your body that your attention is drawn. This may be experienced differently every time.

2 or 3

Emotional Body This where your feelings and emotions reside. Sometimes I like to silently ask: “How am I feeling right now?” Sometimes I’m surprised by feelings I hadn’t been aware of consciously. You can chose whether this is your second OR third level of being.

3 or 2

Mental Body This is where your thoughts, ideas, what you’ve read and heard reside. You might recognize this level of being as where you experience mental chatter. Again you can chose whether this is your third OR second level of being.


Spiritual Body Always your fourth focus. It’s where your Higher Self, Higher Wisdom, Soul or Spirit resides. This is a more expanded and peaceful part of you that can perceive the larger picture of your life. With practice, you can often feel the slight shift of energy between this level of being and the first three.


Now that you have that information in place, let’s begin walking through Heart Integration step by step.

Whenever you desire and intend to access Heart Integration, the Divine immediately moves towards you to inspire you and assist you.

Therefore there are countless ways to actually experience Heart Integration – to connect with Divine Energy through each level of your Being, to merge with the Divine from your heart center, and then to find yourself in front of the Divine.

I’ve completed Heart Integration 1000’s of times since this Akashic prayer process arrived in my life. Just this morning, the Divine brought me yet another new way to connect with all my levels of being! It’s magical!

Did you print the PDF given above with the description of the five steps? Having that in front of you as you continue will make the following very easy to follow.

Start with the first two simple steps
. Place one or both of your hands on your heart center. Breathe and relax.

TIP: Spend as much time as it feels comfortable for you to do these first two steps.
 Go slowly. These two steps are so vital to the remaining three – so delicious. They give you the opportunity to slow down, to begin to connect to yourself, to enjoy what it feels like to gently touch yourself with kindness, instead of just to get clean, to dress, to undress, etc. You might like to enjoy focusing on your breath – however it comes to your attention.

Then, knowing the Divine is guiding you – complete the final three steps however they’re presented to you at this moment.

You can continue now by speaking aloud or silently, whichever helps you to focus more deeply.

Continuing to take full breaths throughout helps you to release stress wherever it’s stored in all levels of your being.

Take the time to engage each level of being in a conversation. You might be delighted by what you see, feel, know, or hear in reply!

  I invite you to take your time when connecting with your physical body. Explore your body, feel it, talk to it. Heart Integration is also a centering process. When you gift yourself with the time you require to become firmly present, truly grounded in your physical body, the remainder of the process is accomplished more easily.

Once you are deeply aware aware of your physical body, you can connect with either your emotional body or your mental body. Try connecting one way and then the next time reverse the order of these two levels of being to see which works better for you.

Your spiritual body, where you connect with your Higher Self, your Higher Wisdom is the last level of being that we mention.

Since connecting to the Divine is easier from our loving heart centers rather than our questioning minds, remember to bring all that you’ve experienced back to your Heart Center in Step 4. Then it’s more effortless to visualize, sense, know, or simply affirm that your Heart Light, your Inner Divinity, is merging with All That Is.

TIP: In Step 5 use your imagination
– one of the ways your soul communicates with you – to find yourself in front of the Divine. What would the Divine look like if you could see It? What would It feel like? What name would you use to call the Divine, to welcome It?

Don’t forget to see, feel, hear, or know in some way that your Heart Light Circle and Healing Circle are also now activated.

Each time you complete Heart Integration and find yourself in the radiant presence of the Divine, you have two choices of how to complete this Akashic prayer process.

  1. You can request the Divine to either clear or augment whatever you desire, knowing it will happen if it’s for the highest good of all concerned.
  2. Or if you have no idea what would be for your highest good, for the highest good of others and this planet where we all live, then you can welcome the Divine to bring to you whatever is for you to receive for the highest good.

As your reward once you’re at Step Five of Heart Integration, this is your opportunity to bask in the bliss of this Divine Connection for as long as you like. Enjoy!

Why does Heart Integration require practice to experience the greatest rewards?

Frequent repetition of Heart Integration slowly removes the conditioning that impedes your awareness and connection to the Divine that seduces into believing you’re separate from and less than.

Regular use can gradually clear the detrimental emotions, shock, trauma, erroneous beliefs, core fears, and other accumulated debris experienced during this lifetime, past lives, and by your ancestors.

You might think of it as being gently and lovingly washed in the Unconditional Love, Merciful Compassion, and Healing Grace of the Divine.


A rising tide lifts all boats.

You may recognize this great quote commonly attributed to John F Kennedy –  “A rising tide lifts all boats.” – it’s also a vivid description of what Heart Integration offers us all. Whenever you lift your vibration,  the vibration of those around you also automatically lifts!

I invite you to include Heart Integration as part of your spiritual practice – starting today. You can make a difference!

Are you drawn to share your thoughts or experiences with Heart Integration? I would be honored to read your comments. 

Till next time,

Radiance and Love –


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