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Akashic Opportunities

"Learn to Access & Explore Your Akashic Records" LIVE on ZOOM
Eager to learn to access and explore your own Akashic Records over 8 weeks with a small group? You'll have active interaction during each video meeting, bonus training in how to use the Akashic Illumination Deck, + thoughtful questions from other learners to extend your learning experience. Become part of our Akashic Community. Please complete
Discovery Call Form.
Dates: Thursdays, Sept 5, 12, 19, 26, Oct 3, 10, 24, and 31.
Time: 2:00 - 5:00pm EST. 

♥  Akashic Illumination Deck!
This beautiful, highly energetic, and amazingly versatile Akashic card deck was designed and co-created with the Records of the deck. Click here to subscribe and you'll receive the latest updates about this Akashic development tool as soon as they're available, free info offers, trainings, retreats, and more.

♥  Private Akashic Sessions
I'm excited to open my calendar to a few select monthly clients after a break of two years! Do you have a strong desire to undertake a deeper exploration of your Akashic Records through a package of 5 or 10 Akashic sessions (see turquoise bars towards the bottom of the page)? Book your Discovery Call with me to see if this is right for you. During each Akashic Session, you'll join me and your Records to work directly with them on the topics of your choice. Prefer a single session? I highly recommend my experienced Akashic Alliance™ Facilitators. All are my graduates and would be happy to introduce you to your Records.

"Learn to Access & Explore Your Akashic Records" SELF PACED-ONLINE
Eager to learn to access and explore your own Akashic Records AND prefer the privacy and convenience of Self-Paced Distance Learning Online? Work at your own pace when most convenient for you. No need to wait. Questions? Complete my Discovery Call Form.

Learn to Access & Explore the Akashic Records of Other People, Places, & Things
Once you've completed Module A and your Records and your heart encourage you to learn to access the Records of Others, this is your next step. When ready to access the Akashic Field with greater depth, knowledge, and confidence - for yourself and for others, please complete my Discovery Call Form.

"Learn to Teach Modules A & B" 
After you've completed Modules A & B above and built an active Akashic client list, your Records may invite you to become a professional Akashic Trainer to carry on the Akashic Alliance™ legacy. Please complete Discovery Call Form.

♥  Monthly Akashic Group Infusions (MAGI)
17th of every month @ 11:00pm your local time.
Love to have a unique Akashic spiritual practice designed to fit your mega busy lifestyle?
Then MAGI is for you! Economical subscription.
Details about MAGI here.
