“Welcome Your Divine Support System: Your Highest Beings of Light”

Understanding your Highest Beings of Light

Have you ever felt a sense of guidance or support from an unseen force? Perhaps you’ve experienced moments of profound peace or inspiration that felt beyond your own understanding. These events might be your connection to what the Akashic Records call your Highest Beings of Light.

These magnificent beings are entities of pure love and wisdom who exist beyond the physical realm. They include a vast spectrum of consciousness, including Angels and Archangels, Ascended Master Teachers, nature spirits, and divine beings from various spiritual traditions. Their sole purpose is to assist humanity in its evolution and offer unconditional love and support! Imagine them as your celestial support team.

Akashic Tip: To receive support from your Highest Beings of Light, it’s important to directly invite their assistance. (Speaking your request aloud might help you to focus better.) Remember to only invoke the highest frequency of any such Beings.

Mostly I go directly to Divine Presence because to me that’s my highest and most holy source. However, depending on what I’m doing (setting up my altar, requesting assistance to remove obstacles for myself or a friend, or some other project) sometimes I enjoy invoking different aspects of the Divine to make my connection more personal.

Some of my favorites are Quan Yin for her merciful compassion, Ganesh when I have major challenges and welcome greater empowerment, Mother Mary who represents the Divine Feminine, Jesus or the Egyptian god Horus who embody the Divine Masculine, Sekhmet as the Egyptian goddess of love and healing, or the Greek goddess Athena / Roman goddess Minerva as the embodiment of knowledge. Archangel Michael is the one I call in whenever I feel nervous in traffic.

There are many other well known Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Hindu, Celtic, Norse or other gods and goddesses. Notice what myths draw your attention. That’s one way the ancient ones can reach out to you!

Three Simple Practices to Connect with Your Highest Beings of Light

  1. Heart Integration: This powerful Akashic Alliance™ Prayer Process is my favorite daily practice because it is a direct pathway to connect with the Divine. With regular use, it gently and gradually opens your heart to more Divine connection. Read my November 2020 post titled 5 Easy Steps to Find Yourself in Front of the Divine for all the details, so you too can begin or end each day by putting yourself in front of what is most sacred and holy to you.
  2. Meditation and Visualization: Spend quiet time each day focusing on connecting with the light and love of your Highest Beings of Light. (Heart Integration is a quick and easy way to do this!) Visualize yourself surrounded by their radiant energy, feeling their loving support and guidance.
  3. Nature Connection: Immerse yourself in Nature to deepen your connection to the Divine, Overlighting Devas of Nature, and other nature intelligences. Spend time outdoors, quietly appreciating the beauty and harmony of the natural world.

Demystifying the Akashic Records

Before we delve deeper into the topic of Highest Beings of Light from the Akashic perspective, let’s review what the Akashic Records are. The Akashic Field (the term I prefer) is the energetic reservoir of your Soul’s experiences throughout all lifetimes. Within this sacred database – the wisdom of your Soul – you also can access higher aspects of yourself, such as your Shadow Self, Archetypes, Inner Child, and yes, your Highest Beings of Light!

Some Engaging Questions for your Records

  • Who are some of my Highest Beings of Light? How can I connect with them?
  • What specific roles do my Highest Beings of Light have in my spiritual growth?
  • How can I differentiate between my intuition and the guidance of my Highest Beings of Light?

Akashic Illumination Deck: Gateway to Divine Guidance

The Akashic Illumination Deck is a powerful tool for connecting with your Highest Beings of Light. Whenever you draw this Akashic Exploration card, it is a potent reminder of their constant availability. This card is a direct invitation to call upon their support for any area of your life that you’re seeking assistance.

This is what the Deck’s Akashic Records share about this card.

Akashic Explorations: “Highest Beings of Light” Card from
the Akashic Illumination Deck.

This card is your invitation to connect with at least one of the great variety of presences of positive energy. They exist beyond what we can physically see or feel. The Records refer to them as the Highest Beings of Light.

These beings may include Angels (such as your personal angels, guardian angel, and the Archangels), Enlightened Masters and Teachers, your Primary Guide, Saints and Sages, Gods and Goddess of ancient cultures and religions, Overlighting Devas and Nature Intelligences and more.

Their key characteristic is they are beings that carry only Divine Light and who are interested in assisting you only for your highest good. You do not walk alone.

To simplify matters, you may think of them as aspects of the Divine you can call upon to support you in the evolution of your consciousness. They may or may not identify themselves to you.

The main purpose of this card is to alert you that you are now ready to request Divine Direct Action regarding the issue you’re exploring. Invoke your Highest Beings of Light to assist you to clear, heal, transform, take your next step, etc. This card alerts you to Divine resources you may not have as a Soul in a physical body.

Visualize Your Divine Support

Experience the essence of the Highest Beings of Light through this captivating video. Created by my talented assistant, Loredana Espinoza, it offers a glimpse into the divine realm. Watch it now here and deepen your connection.

Click for the “Highest Beings of Light” Video available on @AkashicIlluminationDeck.

Illuminate Your Path with the Akashic Illumination Deck

What better companion could you have for an Akashic adventure of meeting your Highest Beings of Light than the Akashic Illumination Deck? This unique tool, designed by the Akashic Records, prompts you to discover more. Each card is a portal to deeper self-understanding.

Ready to delve more deeply into using the Deck? My just released self-paced online training, Mastering the Akashic Illumination Deck for Your Personal Use, provides expert guidance.

Elevate Your Journey

Deepen your connection with your Highest Beings of Light through Akashic exploration. For a lifetime of access, I invite you to join my Fall 2024 Module A Training. This immersive 8-week journey will empower you to connect with your Soul’s wisdom on a profound level. As a special bonus we’ll also be incorporating the resources of the Akashic Illumination Deck for the first time!

Remember: You’re never alone. Your Highest Beings of Light are always there to support you.

I’d love to hear about your questions or experience with Highest Beings of Light! Share your experiences and questions in the comments below my signature block.

The ideas in this post come from the Records and my years of experience as an Akashic Records expert. Your journey is unique, so explore and discern what resonates best with you in the infinite realms offered by your Akashic Records.

Akashic Exploration Support

If you have a strong desire to undertake a deeper exploration of your Akashic Records with my expertise, I offer a package of 5 or 10 private sessions (limited availability – scroll to bottom of page to see the turquoise bars). Schedule your Discovery Call here.

Prefer just a single session? My experienced graduates can help! Here are a few:

Janie and Jenny are currently teaching Module A live in person or by Zoom.

Janie MacMillan     macmillan19@gmail.com             janiemac.com/home
Jenny Kellogg       stars@amaltheaastrology.com      www.amalthea.guide

The following may have earlier availability for an Akashic Session.

Gayle Ray              gayleray@bellsouth.net               gayleray.com
Marilyn Kenoyer     mskenoyer@gmail.com
Maria DiSanti         sudasidisanti@gmail.com

Till next month . . .
Radiance and Love –



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