Happy New Year, Dear Heart!
I’m here to make an exciting suggestion at the beginning of this new decade and I sincerely hope you act on it. All that’s required is a few moments of your precious time.
Forget about making New Year’s Resolutions! You know you just feel bad when you don’t follow through. It’s 2020 and time for something new!

Image by Gerhard Gellinger from Pixabay
Today I invite you to take a few minutes to complete two simple processes I know are truly helpful from personal experience. (Tip – You can repeat both at the beginning of every new year so the wisdom keeps coming!)
I explore these two steps as early as I can each January and have found the knowledge I receive to be profoundly helpful and an essential guide to the rest of the year. The Akashic Field has asked me share them both with you.
Step 1: Discover My Personal Year
This is incredibly simple. Work out the numerology for your Personal Year in 2020. Regardless of when your birthday is, everyone’s Personal Year for 2020 starts on January 1. That’s why it’s so important to find this out immediately.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
To find your Personal Year add all the numbers of your birthday month + birthday day + 2020 (or any year for which you’d like to know the Personal Year Number).
If you add the year of your birth, that will give you your Life Path or Ruling Number – something entirely different and much more complicated than your Personal Year. Today we’re focused on your Personal Year.
When you’ve added all three groups together you’ll usually get a two digit number. Add those two digits together to get a single number. (If you get 10 at this step, then add 1 + 0 together to get a Personal Year Number of One.) The single digit number you discover that’s between One and Nine will be your Personal Year Number for 2020.
Got it?
If you’d like more detailed directions, my January 2016 article on how to do this, published by the international e-zine The Magic Happens, is right here: Discover Your True Focus for 2016! It also contains the essential reference chart decoding exactly what each Personal Year Number means, so you can confidently understand yours.
Last year I was in a Four Personal Year. I was particularly glad to have a heads up in January that 2019 would be a year of hard work, discipline, and opportunities, so I knew going into the year that I needed to be highly organized and practical, and I’d certainly need to concentrate.
With all my intensive self-care, a trip to Egypt and another to Portland, OR and then being called unexpectedly to assist two of my best friends during health crises, I needed all these resources and more! My life totally changed, including a major restructuring of how I now approach my Akashic Focus commitments. Whew! Yep, it certainly was a Four Personal Year of hard work.
From my sidebar on each Akashic Inspiration Post, you can see that I continue to be committed to the Monthly Akashic Group Infusions or MAGI for short on the 17th of each month, private Akashic Sessions, and what is still my personal favorite – Akashic Trainings.
What has changed for YOU is that you don’t receive any Akashic Focus marketing materials. Instead, I trust your own Records will guide you to reach out to me if that is your best path. Once a month I write the Akashic Inspiration that I’m guided to share with you. Sometimes it’s a story, or a travelogue, or occasionally even a practical “how to” article like this one. You can be sure there will always be some connection to the Akashic Field.
And now 2020 brings me almost endless possibilities. This is a Five Personal Year for me, so goodness knows what might happen! Thankfully, I’m prepared by knowing: A Five Personal Year will be a year of dynamic change, freedom, and unpredictability that often includes travel and/or a possible change of address. These are the energies that will be most available to me in 2020, so this is where I can flow with the greatest grace and ease. I welcome these new energies with great anticipation!
I suggest you stop here and work out your Personal Year Number before you continue reading, if you haven’t already. You could find it very helpful to know what will be most in alignment for you in 2020 before you move into Step 2.
Step 2 – My Three Words
Once I’ve worked out and connected with the impending energy flow of my Personal Year, then the next thing to discover is “My Three Words.” Renae Gregoire originally inspired me to embrace this process with her blog from 2018. She hooked me on this one, and I’ve been a faithful reader ever since. She’s a great writer, so I’ll let her give you the scoop.
My Three Words for 2019 were: Surrender + Align + Complete.
As I progressed through a very challenging year, these were the essential touchstones that I returned to again and again for support. I even wrote a post in January 2019 about my Letting Go Game. Little did I realize then all that I’d be asked to surrender.
Many times it wasn’t easy. Yet since I had the clear guidance of where my energy was flowing for the year, I was able to surrender major aspects of my life piece by piece. I stepped out of my comfort zone frequently, stepping up to do things I’d never done before.
What was the result?
Walking into 2020, my life looks and feels totally different than it did last January. I’m healthier, happier, and ever so grateful! My relationships with friends and Portland relatives entered a new depth.
To find My Three Words, I always open my Akashic Records as I have today.
(If you don’t know how to access your Records yet, you might like to meditate, get centered, set your intention, open to your intuition – however you connect with your higher wisdom.)

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay
Then I shift over to my chaise lounge, open my Akashic Journal, and connect more deeply with my personal Records. This is my question: “What are the most powerful three words I can connect to throughout 2020 for accelerating my personal growth and activating my highest good?”
This is what I received.
Focus – on my personal growth and highest good. When an opportunity presents, and there will be many in this Five Personal Year, stop and ask if the outcome will bring me personal growth and if this is my highest good. Keep my focus on being Divinely Guided and Assisted. I don’t have to say “yes” to every offer. Others that I’d normally tend to reject may bring my greatest opportunities. Focus and stay connected.
Embrace – Live each day to the fullest, however it may manifest. I am encouraged to step forward, do new things, so I can be all that I AM.
Spontaneity – Allow unscheduled time so I can be open for Divinely orchestrated synchronicities. Create the space, so magic can happen more often for me and through me.
I type this information into a small, one column table. Then print, cut out, fold at the top, and hang it over the speaker on my desk so I can easily and frequently refer to it every time I sit down at my computer.
And that’s it! Now reading My Three Words and their meanings at least daily in January will set them deep into my conscious and subconscious minds, where they can go to work for me.
I invite you to give yourself a gift from your heart for the holidays and discover your Personal Year Number and your Three Words. Please connect with me if you’d like some Akashic assistance with this process. I’d love to take us together into your Akashic Records and explore the meaning of your Personal Year Number and help you find your Three Words for 2020.
Till next time,
Radiance and Love –
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It’s easy! Just scroll to the very bottom of the page below my signature block. I’d love to hear about your Personal Year Number and Three Words! I personally reply to every comment, even if it may take me a while.
Hi Sandra! Love your post! My personal year for 2020 is a 1…
New beginnings! That feels right!
I am going to listen to hear my 3 words now! Thank you and Happy New Year to you!
Wendy I am so glad you have discovered this is a One Year for you! It’s very helpful to know when a whole new cycle of 9 years is beginning, so you can jump right on to the new energies that will be flowing with you now. I have found that a One Year truly does take me in a totally new direction. A fun thing to do is to go back and discover all your One Years and then look at them to see how the new direction has appeared that is manifested then through the next 8 years till you cycle through the whole process again.
Hint: If you’re having trouble finding the handy Personal Year Chart to decode the meaning of the year you’ve just started, just click on the link that says: “Discover Your True Focus for 2016!” and scroll down a bit till you see the table with the personal year numbers listed with their descriptions. Easy peasy – you’ve got it now!
Hi Sandra! It is a 5 year for me as well. It will be great to see how this unfolds for both of us in 2021. And what a lovely idea to choose three words for the year, I tend to pick one. Although this year, it is a two word phrase, so maybe another one will float up today to add to it. Thanks for such a great start to the year! Blessings and gratitude, Lisa W.
Happy New Year Lisa: If your 5 Personal Year was much like mine last year, you’ll have a busy year with lots of sudden plot changes. Good luck! I’m actually looking forward to a quieter ride in 2021 with it being a 6 Personal Year for me. If you’re inspired to share your Three Words, I’d love to support you as you navigate with them. I agree that three words is so much richer than just the one. Radiance and Love – Sandra