“Penetrating the Veil to Find Divine Truth!”

I hope this post finds you enjoying your summer, staying healthy, and making time to have fun!

Lately I’ve been wondering why so many people search for a way to go beyond their rational mind to find a spiritual connection. We do it in so many different ways. (Now there are even digital oracle decks for your phone for an instant fix!) People have been looking for answers since ancient times.


Woman looking for the Light

Photo by KoolShooters from Pexels

As a spiritual seeker, have you too wondered: What’s the difference between intuition, a psychic reading, and an Akashic Records session? Have you been hoping to penetrate the “veil” to find your Truth?

Yes, there are numerous other ways to understand ourselves better. I’m choosing only these three today because that’s what the Records asked me to explore.

To organize my thoughts, I was guided to jot down notes about what I’ve learned during my decades of studying and experiencing these very different ways to find Truth – the one with a capital “T” because it’s Divine Truth.


My table became a helpful way for me to concisely capture my experiences.



Spiritual Communications My Expectations What Bugs Me
  • Hints and messages pop up randomly
  • May or may not notice them or understand them
  • Takes a long time to develop
  • Lack of control over how or when it happens for me
  • No standard way to activate
  • Not trusting myself
Psychic Reading
  • Psychic will reveal my truth, but I don’t really expect much
  • This specially gifted person can do this for me
  • Fun, interesting experience without much investment
  • Usually loved what I heard, but disappointed with actual results
  • Can also be highly inaccurate
  • Never feels very deep
Akashic Session
  • Co-creative process because we’re accessing my Records together
  • Can ask detailed questions to activate the healing or transformation I seek
  • Experience a deep and meaningful communication with my soul
  • Many people lack understanding of what the Records are and how they can be used
  • Many people don’t yet realize that accessing the Akashic Field can be learned through a step-by-step process


So that’s what I’ve been pondering this morning prompted by my Records.


Washing Dishes

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Next time you’re doing something mindless, like washing dishes, here are some questions you could contemplate.


What has your intuition brought to your attention lately? Is your inner voice loud or a mere whisper? What’s happened in the past when you acted on an intuitive flash? Upon reflection, I was surprised to remember several vivid intuitive messages that had a major impact on my life.

If you’ve been drawn to psychics, what was that like for you? Did you find them informative? Did they help you take wise steps forward?


(Weekend psychic fairs were popular in the 1980’s in Australia. One time as I was unpacking in a new flat, I listened to all the years of psychic reading tapes I’d collected. I wanted to know if any were worth keeping. Only one contained accurate information. That experience inspired me to keep looking for my Truth.)

Have you experienced profound insights while exploring your Records on your own or with a trained facilitator? If you’ve never had an in-depth Akashic Session, would this be the time to reach out to one of the many professional facilitators now available? Or is it perhaps time now for you to learn to access your personal Records?

My life work now is teaching the 3 tiers of Akashic Trainings brought through by the Akashic Alliance™. I invite you to consider if the Records have an important role to play in your continuing transformation. My Fall 2021 Module A begins in September.


Till next time,
Radiance and Love –

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