“Understanding the Purpose of Myths: An Akashic Perspective”

Have you ever wondered why certain stories, myths, and legends persist through generations, across cultures? These timeless tales aren’t just idle entertainment; they make powerful imprints on your Soul that shape your beliefs, behaviors, and even your destiny. These impactful Myths continue to resurface as they flow through the collective unconscious.

The Akashic Records: A Universe of Stories

The Akashic Records, often referred to as the Akashic Field, is an energetic database containing all experiences. It’s a non-physical realm where the energy of every thought, feeling, and action is documented.

Within this sacred database, you can access the wisdom of your Soul, including your personal myths, family stories, and the archetypes that shape your identity. By exploring these aspects of yourself, you can gain deeper insights into your patterns, beliefs, and potential.

Mythical Archetypes: Building Blocks of Our Souls

Myths are rich with archetypes, universal symbols that represent common human experiences. From the hero’s journey to the wise old sage, these archetypes resonate with us on a profound level. They offer insights into our own personal narratives and help us understand our strengths, weaknesses, and potential. (Here’s my previous post about archetypes: How to Explore Archetypes Guided by the Akashic Records)

Most, if not all, major cultures continue to invest much time and energy in keeping their myths alive by retelling them frequently, including them in paintings, literature, film, and simple proverbs. The ancient Greeks and Romans are just two ancient cultures who had many epic Myths that brought to life their gods and goddesses. People continue to study these myths today because they’re still relevant and continue to resonate.

Unveiling Your Personal Myths

Myths in 2024 can be urban legends, political ideals, cultural beliefs, and religious dogmas. They can be found in prejudices about skin color, sexual preferences, and social standing.

While you may be familiar with cultural myths, you may often overlook the personal myths that shape your life. These are found closer to home. They’re more private, often hidden in the damaged parts of you that you hesitate to explore. These are the stories you tell yourself about who you are, what you can achieve, and what’s possible.

They can be empowering narratives or limiting beliefs that guide your choices and experiences. Stories that begin with “You’re not good enough.” “You’ll never amount to anything.” “You’re lazy.” Or stupid, or ugly, or any other statement that makes you feel less than – these are common limiting beliefs myths.

Akashic Tip: “You absorb your family and cultural Myths starting from when you are a baby, before you can speak or discern what is Truth for you. When those harmful Myths are explored and rewritten with the help of your Akashic Records – major life transformations occur!”

Getting to the Heart of the Matter about one of your Myths

As soon as you realize someone is going to tell you a story, what happens? You relax, your heart rate goes down, you pay attention, and become receptive. That’s why many fairy tales start with “Once upon a time . . .” It’s a head’s up that a story, a fairy tale in this case, is about to be revealed.

Numerous scientific studies have shown that our brains are wired for storytelling. This innate ability has served us well throughout human history, helping us to communicate, learn, and remember information more effectively. For survival, it was crucial to pay attention when some elder started to tell a story. It could be about something practical like how to be the hunter who always comes home with something for the pot. Or something strange and mystical about how the world began. Or anything in between.

A few months ago, I completed an interesting workshop that helped us hone our personal stories to attract our ideal audience by delivering powerful messages in the form of very short, highly crafted stories. Why? Because this invisible brain hardwiring does exist.

To be effective, the stories needed to be real, spoken with truth and include vivid details. The really hard part was that we couldn’t read them or memorize them before telling each one. Instead, we had to inhabit our stories, be in that moment, be vulnerable, and share our stories from our hearts. The result – our listeners identified themselves with the main character and could easily relate to the message. It was amazing!

Some Engaging Questions for your Records

  • What is one of my most important Myths that I frequently tell myself? Is it about me, someone else, my childhood, my education, my religion, my culture, my country, or one based on something else? Who told me this? How does it affect me now? When does it activate? What happens inside me when it activates? How do I feel?
  • How does this Myth support my personal growth or hinder it?
  • If it’s a detrimental Myth, what can my Records and the Divine do right now to help me clear this invalid belief or transmute it into a positive Myth? If I rewrote this Myth – what would I now tell myself?
  • If it’s a beneficial Myth, how can I quickly and appropriately access this power?

Akashic Illumination Deck: Your Guide to Mythical Exploration

The Akashic Illumination Deck is a powerful tool for exploring your personal myths. Whenever you draw this Akashic Exploration card, it is a potent reminder and a direct invitation to explore how some myth impacts the issue you’re investigating. By working with this deck, you can gain deeper insights into the stories that shape your life and identify areas where you may be limited by negative beliefs.

If you are drawn to explore one of your personal Myths, the card you select (guided by your Records) can also laser in to specific Akashic Infusions (blessings / support), Akashic Explorations (a helpful area of your Akashic Records that connects with your issue), and/or an Akashic Symbol that brings your attention to your next step on your Akashic Journey.

There are multiple levels of meaning within the cards of this Deck, so don’t be surprised if the actual Myths card doesn’t turn up if you ask about myths. Your Records already know that’s your focus, so you don’t need to be prompted to that awareness. Instead, they will use the other cards to help you ask profound questions and stay engaged. That’s how you’ll be able to work with the Myth that is asking for your attention.

This is what the Deck’s own Akashic Records share about this card

“Myths” Explorations Card from the Akashic Illumination Deck.

Myths are the stories we all tell ourselves, that our family, teachers, religion, and culture teach us from birth. We have myths that support us and turn us into super heroes where we can overcome anything (like the Greek myth of the immortal winged horse Pegasus who achieved the impossible by defeating the monster called Chimera).

We also absorbed myths that were intended to make us feel small, hopeless, and powerless. We have myths about the past, the present, and the future. We have myths about what we can and cannot do. We have myths about gender and health. We have myths about authority figures. We have myths about other cultures or religions that keep us separate and fearful of the unknown.

Myths are buried in your subconscious or are videos vividly playing in your imagination. You can believe a myth about anything.

This card invites you to explore one of the supportive or detrimental myths related to the issue you’re investigating. If it’s a myth that is no longer functioning for your highest good, then ask for the help of your Records to rewrite this story so it validates you.

Video to Help You Understand What a Myth Can Be

Watch some ideas of what your Myths could be through this captivating video. Created by my talented assistant, Loredana Espinoza, it offers glimpses into the realm of Myths. Watch it now and increase your understanding.

Instagram reel "Unmasking the Myths we live by" from @AkashicIlluminationDeck.

Click ▶ for the “Myths” Video available on @AkashicIlluminationDeck.

What better companion could you have for an Akashic adventure of exploring your personal or family myths than the Akashic Illumination Deck? This unique tool, designed by the Akashic Records, prompts you to discover more. Each card is a portal to deeper self-understanding.

Ready to delve more deeply into using the Deck? My just released self-paced online training, Mastering the Akashic Illumination Deck for Your Personal Use, provides expert guidance.

Ready to Embark on a Mythical Journey?

Perhaps you’d like even more? I welcome you to join me in a transformative exploration of the Akashic Records and discover the power of Myths. My next training, Exploring Your Akashic Records: A Transformative 8-Wk Journey for Lifetime Access, will provide you with the tools and guidance to unlock the wisdom of your soul, so you can rewrite any limiting narratives.

As a special bonus I’ll also be incorporating the support of the Akashic Illumination Deck once again! When you enroll, you’ll receive this Deck and the Mastery of the Deck for Personal Use training for free.

Places are limited to ensure personal attention. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your connection to yourself and the wisdom of your Soul.

Remember: You’re never alone. Your Akashic Records are always there to support you. 

I’d love to hear about your questions or experience with your myths! Share your experiences and questions in the comments below my signature block.

The ideas in this post come from my years of experience as an Akashic Records expert. Your journey is unique, so explore and discern what resonates best with you in the ever-expanding realms offered by your Akashic Records.

Akashic Exploration Support

If you have a strong desire to undertake a deeper exploration of your Akashic Records with my expertise, I offer a package of 5 or 10 private sessions (limited availability – scroll to bottom of page to see the turquoise bars). Schedule your Discovery Call here.

Prefer just a single session? My experienced graduates can help! Here are a few:

Janie and Jenny are currently teaching Module A live in person or by Zoom.

Janie MacMillan     macmillan19@gmail.com             janiemac.com/home
Jenny Kellogg       stars@amaltheaastrology.com      www.amalthea.guide

The following may have earlier availability for an Akashic Session.

Gayle Ray              gayleray@bellsouth.net               gayleray.com
Marilyn Kenoyer     mskenoyer@gmail.com
Maria DiSanti         sudasidisanti@gmail.com

Till next month . . .
Radiance and Love –


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