by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | Aug 1, 2024 | Access your Akashic Records
Understanding your Highest Beings of Light — Have you ever felt a sense of guidance or support from an unseen force? Perhaps you’ve experienced moments of profound peace or inspiration that felt beyond your own understanding. These events might be your...
by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | Jul 1, 2024 | Access your Akashic Records
Your Shadow Self is a part of you that holds all the hidden aspects of your personality – the parts you might try to ignore or keep buried. It can include things like: — Uncomfortable emotions like anger, sadness, jealousy, fear. Undesirable traits that could...
by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | Jun 1, 2024 | Access your Akashic Records
What if you could discover hidden doorways scattered throughout your lifetimes, leading to a vast energetic database of past experiences and limitless knowledge of your Soul? These are Akashic Portals, and some people have no idea they exist. — In recent years you may...
by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | May 1, 2024 | Access your Akashic Records
For my Akashic writing projects, like these monthly Akashic Inspirations posts, I create a plan early in the year. I do this by opening the Records of the project and asking them to create a list of my best topics with their ideal publication times. This gives me my...
by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | Apr 1, 2024 | Access your Akashic Records
When I asked the Akashic Records what I could write about the topic of Forgiveness that would be a fresh approach, they offered me the Akashic Infusion of Versatility. It felt absolutely right to incorporate versatility as my focus for this post about forgiveness. — —...
by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | Mar 1, 2024 | Access your Akashic Records
Have you ever wondered . . . – Why your life sometimes feels so hard, sad, or confusing? How come your creative spark seems to be missing? What childhood echoes linger in your daily experiences? – Rediscovering Childhood Wonders – Within the...