“So Much More than Mere Words: The Secret Language of Akashic Infusions”

Have you been following my Akashic Inspirations posts that delve into individual cards of the Akashic Illumination Deck? This unique deck offers three Akashic Activities, each with 20 cards, allowing for over 8,000 potential Akashic stories through three-card spreads!

Since March 2023, I’ve been on a mission guided by the Akashic Records, the co-creators of the Akashic Illumination Deck. Each month, we’ve written in-depth about one of the deck’s 19 “Akashic Explorations” cards.

You might think of these Exploration cards as stations on the “Akashic Main Line,” each prompting you to delve deeper, ask important questions, and interact with your Records in a profound way. This series of articles offers a valuable mini-training for anyone interested in exploring the Akashic Records, whether you’re a curious newcomer or a seasoned explorer. You can use the handy search bar under my Akashic Inspirations Posts banner to look for the topics that interest you the most.

This month, we’ll move on to another Akashic Activity: Infusions

Then in November, we’ll explore the third and final Akashic Activity: Symbols. And finally, in December, we’ll unveil the three Opportunity Cards that customize each Akashic Activity in the Deck!

The Akashic Records: Unlimited Opportunities

The Akashic Records, or what I call the Akashic Field, is an energetic database containing all your Soul’s experiences. This non-physical realm stores the energy of every thought, feeling, and action of your Soul. Within this sacred reservoir, is your Soul’s wisdom, including those Akashic Infusions designed to empower you on your life’s journey.

What are Akashic Infusions?

“Curiosity”, “Self-Esteem” and “Courage” Infusions Cards from the Akashic Illumination Deck.

Imagine 20 powerful gifts wrapped with love and delivered by your Akashic Records. These Infusions, attunements, or blessings awaken new opportunities and open doors to greater Soul growth. It’s like your Records send up a signal flare to draw your attention to a specific energetic word connected to your current inquiry. An Akashic Infusion can bring you more clarity as it illuminates and supports your purpose for using the Deck.

Important Note: Because Akashic Infusions are highly adaptable, there are no set definitions for these Infusion cards. Their power lies in how each one comes alive for you as it relates to your focus.

Start Your Day with an Akashic Infusion

Using the Akashic Illumination Deck to draw an Infusion is an ideal way to begin your day. Simply complete a single-card draw!

The Akashic Illumination Deck: Your Guide to Akashic Infusions

The Akashic Illumination Deck is a powerful tool for receiving gentle and loving support from your Records. Whenever you draw an Akashic Infusion card, it highlights a crucial aspect of your current investigation.

A Glimpse into Akashic Infusions from the Deck’s Records

“Infusions” Card Back from the Akashic Illumination Deck.

These 20 Akashic Infusions gently permeate all levels of your being – your body, emotions, mind, and spiritual self – bringing a blessing, awareness, support, focus, or expansion designed to awaken you to receive a positive quality or resource. An Infusion comes to bring your attention to some aspect related to your investigation.

Please Note: Since the Infusion “Optimism” for example, could have many different definitions according to how it relates to your issue, there are no definitions given for these 20 Akashic Infusions cards. That would restrict the power of these Infusions.

Instead, it’s recommended that you ask your Records for the current definition most relevant for you and the issue you’re studying. This Akashic definition of your Infusion may spark additional questions for your Records so you can discover more.

When you feel you understand what the Infusion offers. . .
You might like hold it to your heart, lips, forehead – or to any part of your body that may be most able to receive this Akashic Infusion. Breathe and relax. Absorb.

You can also use an Infusion card (or any card of this deck) as a meditation focus or place it on your altar to act as a talisman to remind you to reconnect throughout your day.

Akashic Infusions continue to support you for as long as they are beneficial to your Soul – days, weeks, months, or even years.

Video to Enhance Your Concept of Akashic Infusions

Watch some ideas of about what Akashic Infusions could incorporate during this captivating video. Created by my talented assistant, Loredana Espinoza, it offers glimpses into this NEW aspect of the Akashic Records. Watch it now and increase your understanding.

Click for the “Akashic Infusions” Video available on @AkashicIlluminationDeck.

Ready to unlock the transformative power of Akashic Infusions in your own life?

Here are two ways the Akashic Illumination Deck and my latest online training can empower your journey. (Note: Knowing how to access your Records is helpful – and yet not required.)

  • Akashic Illumination Deck: This unique tool, co-created with the Akashic Records themselves, acts as a portal to personalized Infusions. Each card drawn delivers a laser-focused Infusion designed to support your specific needs and inquiries. Imagine the possibilities! Intrigued? Get your very own Akashic Illumination Deck here today!
  • Mastering the Akashic Illumination Deck for Your Personal Use: Deepen your understanding and unlock the full potential of the Deck with my self-paced online training. Receive expert guidance on performing insightful readings, interpreting these Akashic Infusions as well as Akashic Explorations and Akashic Symbols. Master integrating the Akashic Illumination Deck seamlessly with your Akashic Records practice.

    Ready to embark on a transformative Akashic adventure? Enroll in my four- week online training now! Mastering the Akashic Illumination Deck for Your Personal Use and you’ll receive a bonus free Deck to use for yourself, gift to a special friend, or use with your clients. You can begin as soon as you receive the Deck!

Backstory about Akashic Infusions

In 2015, while building AkashicFocus.com, my Records nudged me towards offering something that became known as my Monthly Akashic Group Infusions (MAGI). How could I access Infusions that strongly resonated with the majority of my subscribers each month? This was something that hadn’t been done before by anyone else. Undeterred by my initial concerns, my Records patiently revealed a step-by-step process I used each month. For several years, offering MAGI became an invaluable training ground for me in receiving and understanding Akashic Infusions.

This journey continued when my colleague, Nancy Ring, suggested we request Akashic Training Infusions to support student learning in our Akashic Alliance™ Trainings. The impact was undeniable – these customized Infusions fostered trust and confidence in students right from their first week of training.

Fast forward to co-creating the Akashic Illumination Deck. When the Records informed me early on that one of the three Akashic Activities offered in the Deck would be Infusions, I was thrilled! By then, I was well steeped in the transformative power of Akashic Infusions.

Let’s Connect!

Share your questions and experiences with Akashic Infusions in the comments below. Were you a subscriber to my Monthly Akashic Group Infusions? I’d love to hear from you about your experiences during that time!

The ideas in this post come from my years of involvement with the Akashic Records in many different ways. Your journey is unique, so please explore and discern what resonates best with you in the ever-expanding realms offered by your Akashic Records.

Akashic Exploration Support

If you have a strong desire to undertake a deeper exploration of your Akashic Records with my expertise, I offer a package of 5 or 10 private sessions (limited availability – scroll to bottom of page to see the turquoise bars). Schedule your Discovery Call here.

Prefer just a single session? My experienced graduates can help! Here are a few:

Janie and Jenny are currently teaching Module A live in person or by Zoom.

Janie MacMillan     macmillan19@gmail.com             janiemac.com/home
Jenny Kellogg       stars@amaltheaastrology.com      www.amalthea.guide

The following may have earlier availability for an Akashic Session.

Gayle Ray              gayleray@bellsouth.net               gayleray.com
Marilyn Kenoyer     mskenoyer@gmail.com
Maria DiSanti         sudasidisanti@gmail.com

Till next month . . .
Radiance and Love –


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