by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | Jan 25, 2019
Well, it will probably come as no surprise to you that I am THRILLED with how our session went . . . it was wonderful, and amazing, and I’m grateful and happy . . . and . . . I’m ready for MORE!! Obviously, I’m still enjoying the ‘settling...
by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | Jan 25, 2019
My Akashic Session with you was just what I needed to move forward on several different areas in my life where I was “stuck.” It also was a comfort in many respects and a profound learning experience.
by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | Jan 25, 2019
Thank you so much for doing this reading with me. WOW! It was very powerful for me and I am sure great things will come because of this releasing so the new can come in. You have been given special gifts and I thank you for listening to your calling, then sharing with...
by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | Jan 25, 2019
Thank you sooooooo much for your clarity, kindness and compassion in helping me this morning and for helping to allow so much healing to come through the records.
by Rev Sandra L Gelinas | Jan 25, 2019
I want to tell you THANK You! I don’t say this lightly, thank you for saving my life. Not only did you help me decide to continue my current life as healed and renewed, you helped me heal my past lives and my future ones as well. That, my friend, is nothing less...