Welcome to Module A Akashic Online Training


Welcome ,

I know you’re probably excited to see what you’ve just purchased and would love to jump right into your training. Before we do that, however, I invite you to take a few moments to read this post. How you begin a project, creates a great foundation for how you will proceed. Slow and steady will bring your best results. You are taking the first steps in creating a very special relationship with your Akashic Records. Enjoy!

This is the Enrollment Package I send to all my learners prior to their training so you can begin this training with grace and ease. Please absorb it at your own pace including as much detail as is useful for you. Subsequent posts will be much shorter.


24 Hours Prior to & During Each Section:

Your clarity of mind is always very important and especially when exploring your Records. To assist you experience your best results, I suggest:

  • No alcohol, unless it is a required part of your religious practice at this time.
  • Please refrain from recreational drugs. Please continue to take any prescribed medications.
  • Do your best to avoid or limit your consumption of caffeine, poor quality chocolate, and sugar. We have found that these foods can lower our vibration and therefore interfere with our ability to work in the Akashic Records.


Self Care

It is important during this Module A Training that you eat well, rest, and take care of yourself. Many people experience different levels of energy, release, and/or healing when they begin to work in their Akashic Records. You may find a sea salt and baking soda bath (1/2 cup each) or to soak only your feet in a small quantity of this mixture is beneficial after each section. This assists your body to release any toxins and psychic debris, while also allowing you to relax at the end of the day. A morning walk, yoga, Qi Gong, Tai Chi, meditation, or toning before each section are some great ways to start your day.


Our Sacred Space

Before each call you might like to light a special candle or create your own Sacred Space. At the beginning of each call, we will co-create our Sacred Space together as directed by the Records of the group. Please ensure your uninterrupted privacy for each call. Some learners find it helpful to put up a “Do Not Disturb” sign.


Handy Checklist for each Module A Call

Please bring the following, if appropriate for you to each recorded Section:

  • Water – learning, accessing, clearing, or releasing can be thirsty work.
  • Printed Manual: To help you stay focused during the two hours and so you can write your notes and complete youmanualimager Integration Processes right in your manual, I highly recommend you print the manual (one sided preferred) before beginning the training and put it in a sturdy 3 ring binder.

Don’t have a printer? Drop the PDF of the manual down on a memory stick and take it to your local printer. It will make it SO much easier to follow along with each section and you’ll be able to refer to your manual whenever you like instead of looking for it on an electronic device.



  • New journal that will become your Akashic journal – with easy writing pen/pencil. A journal with full sized pages will serve you better over time.
  • One of our Mutual Agreements you’ll find early in the Manual is: “We take responsibility for ourselves.” So bring whatever helps you to be comfortable.


Helpful Suggestions Before You Begin:

  • Create the time now in your schedule and commit to once a week for two hours over eight or ten weeks. And then stick to it! The same day of the week and same time often works the best. For example, we met Friday afternoons from 2:00 to 4:00pm to create the program. You could complete the training in less time or spread the sections out. I have found that a week between each section with perhaps two or three weeks to practice before completing Section 8 works the best for most people.
  • Please turn off all other electronic devices during this training so you can be alert and focused. If you happen to need to take a particular section in smaller time increments – that’s fine. Just come back to it again as soon as you can to complete that section.
  • Enjoy completing all HomeJOY assignments before starting the next section.
  • Share your questions and experiences each week with other online learners on our Facebook Akashic Spiritual Group throughout the training (and afterwards). I will check in with our group at least once a week to comment and answer your questions. This is a great opportunity to become part of our worldwide Akashic Spiritual Community. We’d love to have you join us regularly and often.


History of the Akashic Alliance

Before learning something new, it’s often helpful to have some context in which to place it. How did the Akashic Alliance begin? Who was involved? What’s the story behind this training? This brief history will give you this background.

The co-founders of the Akashic AllianceTM always thank their teachers from the Akashic Records Consultants, International (ARCI) for introducing us to the Akashic Records.

After Nancy Ring and Sandra Gelinas worked together in the Records on their own personal growth for some time, we became aware our Records were inviting us to teach people how to open their Records. Naturally, we thought this meant completing the ARCI teacher-training program. Much to our surprise, we discovered this was not our path.

Instead, our Records asked us to bring forth a new method to enter the Akashic Records and a new process to teach this method to others. This amazed, and frankly overwhelmed me, as it was not what either of us had been anticipating. At this point Chanda Nancy Berlatsky, another ARCI trained consultant and friend, contacted us with relevant information she had received while pursuing other inquiries in the Records. That’s when things really began to get exciting. All three of us received independent confirmation from our personal Records that we were to work together to bring forth this new process from the Akashic Records.

Therefore, in early June 2006 we began regular weekly teleconference calls, as our schedules permitted, so the three of us – Nancy Ring in Charlotte, NC, Chanda Nancy Berlatsky in Sedona, AZ, and Sandra Gelinas in Hendersonville, NC – could work together. Our routine settled into group personal Records work in the morning to clear each of us so we could better work together in the afternoons, when we would turn our attention to the new information waiting for us in the Records.

Once we were given the working name of Akashic Records Integration Process, we began to open the Akashic Records of this body of information. Gradually, it became apparent we were given the opportunity to do much more than teach people a new method to open their personal Akashic Records. The Akashic Alliance then came forward as the name for the three of us working together with the Records to bring forth new information from the Records on a variety of topics and trainings.

The name Akashic Records Integration Process, while quite a mouthful, clearly states:

  • The words Akashic Records (or Akashic Field) are here because this energy field will become more widely recognized over the next few years – both in scientific and metaphysical communities. (And so it has!)
  • Through your journey in the Akashic Records, you are given opportunities to integrate much information at a soul level and begin to understand what is true for you – not someone else. With practice, you will be able to go directly to the Divine and find your own answers, your own healing, and your own creativity – whatever you are seeking.
  • This is a process – a journey that is constant and ongoing – that hopefully you will choose to continue long after finishing this training. Checking in with the free monitored Facebook Akashic Spiritual Group is a further opportunity for you to continue to grow through your Records.



If you like, this is another great place to have a break.
You can come back when you’re ready to continue.
These are your Next Steps after reading through the above:



1. Highly Recommended: Listen to the mini teaching on Heart Integration.

The CD called “Exploring Heart Integration” is an amazing prayer process received from the Records by the Akashic Alliance. Sandra will take you through a guided meditation using Heart Integration and also answer questions from those attending the call during this 90 minutes mini training. Click link to access the Resources tab at my website: https://akashicfocus.com/resources-2/

Once you’re there, scroll down to the AUDIO section and play the CD by clicking on the chevron in the circle under the CD cover. There is no charge and I recommend you listen as often as you like as this is terrific preparation for Module A.


2. Highly Recommended: FAQs

To learn more about what it’s like to explore your Records – please read the FAQs that appeal to you located on my website here: https://akashicfocus.com/faq-2/ This information was designed to be a mini home study course about what can be accomplished during an Akashic Session.


3. Optional: Two articles you might enjoy reading for background information.



Now you’re well prepared to begin this Akashic Training.

We’ll begin with the Akashic Training Infusion and then continue with the Eight Sections to complete the training. I recommend you leave a week between the Infusion and Section 1, and a week (or more so you can practice) between each section. Please go at your own speed. If you haven’t done so yet, decide now when you can give yourself two hours for each recorded Section and put these dates in your calendar.

To make it easy, you might like to write your username and password down to include it with your manual when you print it.

login here: https://akashicfocus.com/login/


In Radiance and Love,




PS: “The Akashic Records are a dynamic reservoir of information including every thought, word, deed, emotion, and intention of your soul throughout all lifetimes. Through your Records you can connect to higher aspects of yourself and to the Divine.”