When I first learned how to access my Akashic Records in October 2004, I had very specific assumptions of how it should look and feel.
I imagined walking up to the grand Temple of the Akashic Records, entering through its imposing double doors, and receiving my Book of Life from my own dark robed Records Keeper. I was eager for a mystical, cinematic experience – so that’s exactly what I kept seeking each time I asked . . . “What experience of receiving my Records can you share with me today?”
And each time, I received something. But honestly, it never felt quite right. My visions kept shifting, becoming more elaborate, yet they never seemed real.
One day, I finally got smart and asked . . . “Why is each experience different? Why isn’t there any consistency?”
My Records responded immediately. “We thought you wanted many different experiences of coming to what you call the Temple – so that’s what we’ve been sharing with you.”
A Major Revelation . . .
My assumptions about the “Temple,” the “Records Keeper,” and the “Book of Life” weren’t necessarily wrong – they were just clearly irrelevant for my unique Akashic journey.
That moment changed everything. Instead of clinging to an idea of how my Records should appear, I shifted my focus to what truly mattered.
Shifting from Expectation to Relationship
I began asking a different question . . . “What fear is ready to be released with the help of my Records today?”
And slowly, something profound happened. My connection deepened. My Records became less about seeing something specific and more about feeling their presence. More about having a real conversation, perhaps sharing a fragrant cup of tea, with a loving, wise elder who’d known me in all the lifetimes of my Soul.
Over time, I gradually built a deep, intimate, and trusting relationship with my Akashic Records – without even realizing it!
- No rigid expectations.
- No grand mystical visions.
- Just a steady, evolving dialogue of wisdom, healing, and love.
The truth is, like any meaningful relationship, your connection with your Akashic Records grows over time. It’s not about “getting it right” – it’s about showing up each time with curiosity, consistency, and an open heart.
Each interaction you have with your Records gently builds your understanding of how to navigate them. Over time, you learn to open and expand all your paranormal senses – seeing, hearing, sensing, knowing, and even tasting and smelling – so you can clearly and easily receive all that is given. As you do, you also open yourself to gratefully receiving their loving support and healing from the Divine.
This is especially true if you consistently set an intention that you WILL learn more every time you access!
These days, instead of being something mysterious, in some far away unknown realm – my Records connect directly with my heart. They’ve become my place to go for wise, loving support, inspiration, assistance, and healing – really anything I desire.
I know my Records include all my greatest masters, teachers, and loved ones from all times as I originally was taught. Rarely do I know any of them by name and that’s fine as they all collectively speak to me through one voice. They have no gender. They do not present themselves to me visually. There are no bells or whistles, fancy trappings. And yet when I access my Records or those of my clients, I immediately feel and recognize their unique and gentle energetic frequency.
If you’re longing to have a better, more expansive understanding of yourself, your motivations, your challenges, then I invite you to begin to build a lasting relationship with your own personal Records. It’s never too late to start! You just have to keep coming back and engaging.
Your Special Invitation: The Akashic Records Unlocked Summit
If you’re eager to deepen your relationship with your Records, I have an incredible opportunity for you this month!
Join me and three other Akashic Experts at the FREE Akashic Records Unlocked Summit hosted by Suara Lee from March 16 – 19, 2025.
Whether you’re new to the Akashic Field or a seasoned explorer, this Summit offers confirmations of your own Akashic experiences and profound new insights. I learn something every time I watch one of Suara’s interviews during her Summits. I certainly am very aware of the Akashic energy that each speaker brings to the interview. Plus, each featured speaker offers amazing free gifts you won’t want to miss!
Reserve your spot here: https://www.rebrand.ly/SandraGelinas
Ready to Expand Your Akashic Exploration?
The Akashic Illumination Deck, designed by the Records of the Deck, helps you deepen your relationship with your Records – offering clarity, insight, and inspiration whenever you need it.
Purchase Your Own Akashic Illumination Deck Today
Elevate your spiritual practice with this one-of-a-kind Akashic development resource.
Join My Online Training
Sign up for Mastering the Akashic Illumination Deck for Your Personal Use – and get a bonus FREE deck! (Akashic Tip: Knowing how to access your Records is helpful – and definitely not required.)
Your Turn! Let’s Share Insights
I’d love to hear from you!
How has your connection with the Akashic Records evolved over time? I’d love to read about your experience in the comments below!
And as always, the insights I share come from my 20+ years of Akashic exploration – and your journey is uniquely yours. Follow what resonates and trust your own wisdom.
Private Akashic Sessions Are Back!
I’m delighted to be able once again to offer private Akashic sessions to help you break free from old patterns and set a fresh course for 2025.
If you feel called to work with me, book your Free Discovery Call to explore what resonates. Choose from single sessions or package of 5 or 10 private sessions. Discover what’s right for you!
A sincere thank you to my fellow Akashic Alliance™ Facilitators who supported clients while I was immersed in co-creating and promoting the Deck. Your dedication has been a true gift!
See You Next Month!
Radiance and Love –
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It’s easy! Just scroll to the very bottom of the page below my signature block. I personally reply to everyone as soon as possible. Every remark helps my post to rank higher on Google. Thank you for helping my Akashic Inspirations reach more people!
As always, you so inspire me. I sat down and opened my records and asked a number of questions about things. I am currently concerned about and would like to know more about.
I felt a weight lift off of me in hearing the answers from the records. Often they said we’ve got this. And I believe they do. There were things that I was instructed to do which I’ll do and things that are unfolding in a very good way. I am so grateful for-this connection with my Records today. I released a lot of my anxiety about what’s going on in the world. I am truly grateful to have access to this loving Presence!
Dear Gayle – Thank you for your heartfelt comment! I think it also illustrates another wonderful aspect of the relationship you’ve been building with your Records – they can meet you wherever you are and take you into the beginning of the healing and transformation you’re seeking. They do this for each of us and we have such a variety of concerns. They are always loving, gentle, and supportive. I too am very grateful to be able to engage with this loving Presence. It’s changed my entire life and how I look at the world. I’m a much calmer and happier person than I was before I started chatting with my Records. I see this happening over the past years for you too.