Dear Akashic Adventurer,
I’m so happy to finally be able to share my latest Akashic adventure with you.
I have a special invitation for you!
Over the past two years, the Records and I have created something amazing — an Akashic card deck called the Akashic Illumination Deck.
The Records of this deck offer you this Akashic assistant to help you in your personal Akashic practice, Akashic Sessions, or Trainings.
Let’s explore what this deck offers you.
– whenever you opened your personal Akashic Records –
if you had something you could physically see and touch that could . . .
• Help you easily access MORE from your Records through 60 cards that prompt you to ask questions you hadn’t considered previously?
• Support you to learn NEW ways to explore your Records while receiving powerful insights?
• Bring you a FUN way to engage with your Records which expands your curiosity and brings greater inspirations?

“This Akashic Illumination Deck is wonderfully cohesive with the three different Akashic Activities working really well together. Loved the connections and insights the Records created as they enhanced my awareness of my issue. I appreciated the way the answers I found gave me a deeper connection with my Records, which was a very expansive feeling. Also the images are wonderful to explore.” — Lania Desmond
“Overall, this Deck draws on and supports all your senses. It is not a mental exercise or something to figure out. The Akashic Illumination Deck will assist many to recognize (perhaps for the first time) what it feels like to effortlessly receive valuable insights as a cognitive flash.”
— From the Records of the Deck to Marilyn Kenoyer
“I am not normally drawn to using cards. For some reason this Akashic Illumination Deck felt fun and light. It felt good to explore them. The exploration pictures are beautiful and I could feel lots of potential for receiving so much information from them. When I did the three-card spread it was very powerful and gave me an opportunity to clear a subtle challenge that had been previously hidden. I know this deck will help me to open to more opportunities in my life.”
— Maria DiSanti
And . . . for those of you who facilitate Akashic Sessions – or are considering taking the Akashic Alliance™ Module B to step into this level of Akashic service . . .
– whenever you bring your clients into their Akashic Records –
if you had a visible Akashic tool you could easily incorporate into every session to empower your clients to . . .
• Achieve more CLARITY and quickly get to the heart of the matter?
• Discover and integrate profound epiphanies that facilitate those wonderful AHA MOMENTS?
• Bring more FUN, imagination, and curiosity into their time with you and their Records?
“I use the Akashic Illumination Deck with clients to help them pinpoint issues best tackled with the Records, often topics the client was unaware of or had trouble articulating. Each card offers the opportunity to go in a specific direction which neither of us may have considered, so we can explore that concept within their Records.
The Akashic Illumination Deck also helps confirm material already received from the Records during a session or deepen the clearing and understanding around an issue. Finally it is most valuable when I feel I need a back-up. I can use the cards to facilitate a session if the client is confused, passive, or without an intention or questions.” — Jenny Kellogg
While the Deck is at the printers this month for them to do their printing magic . . .
I’m offering this invitation ONLY to our Akashic Alliance™ Community
and those who asked to be added to my “Friends of the Deck” email list.
Purchase one or more Decks BEFORE SEPTEMBER 22nd and I’ll reserve a place for you
at our “DECK TIME!” LIVE on Zoom
only on September 29th
@ 11:00 AM PT • 01:00 PM CT • 02:00 PM ET
with the co-creators of the Deck — the Records of Akashic Illumination Deck and myself
We will . . .
• Answer all your questions,
• Give you some additional insights,
• And help you in whatever way we can,
So you will have a GREAT FOUNDATION when the print version arrives in your postal mail box early in October!
This BONUS will also help you understand how to use the digital version of the deck.
As my thank you for your PRE-PRINT purchase of either version,
Print version — $44.00 per deck
Digital version — $24.99 per deck
✧ Give your special friends a transformative gift of the Akashic Illumination Deck
AND invite them to join you for FREE on our “DECK TIME!”
IMAGINE you now have immediate, easy access to . . .
•Three Enlightening Akashic Activities
20 Akashic Infusions
These Akashic gifts, attunements, or blessings awaken new opportunities for greater soul growth. An Akashic Infusion illuminates and supports your purpose for using the deck.
20 Akashic Explorations
These engaging images activate pathways to the major areas of Akashic Explorations. They prompt you to investigate and ask questions, while guiding you to interact profoundly with your Records.
20 Akashic Symbols
These multidimensional Symbols accelerate your soul growth. Most incorporate movement, frequencies, color, sound, or tones. Each Akashic Symbol empowers you to go beyond your normal senses while offering you gentle healing and transformation.
Three Opportunity Cards
— one for each Akashic Activity —
so your Records can customize the Akashic Illumination Deck just for you!
Infusions Activity
Explorations Activity
Symbols Activity
,on a yellow sticky note••
To help you focus, you may write or draw on a yellow sticky note, the customized Infusion, Exploration or Symbol your Records share with you. When you’re complete, you can remove the sticky note, so the Opportunity Card is fresh for the next Akashic personalization that makes this deck unique for you.
As you connect with any of the 60 cards included in the Deck –
you notice you are . . .

• Making inspired connections with what the cards show you and what you’re receiving from your Records.
• Drawn to examine or organically ask questions about specific aspects of a particular card, or even place a card on your heart or your abdomen to directly absorb its unique energy.
• Interested in examining the cards, noting your initial guidance from your Records, and finding those deep level questions that obviously come from your heart – not your mind – that illuminate your entire Akashic experience.
• With practice, discovering the best way to request and open to the clearing, healing, and transformation you’re seeking during this multi-level Akashic encounter.
• Finally aware you now have a tangible support for what you’ve been receiving through your “clairs” (see, feel, hear, know, maybe even taste or smell) as guided by your Records. So there is no more wandering around wondering what your Records will say. You always have a definite launch point. Your Records and your focused heart-centered intention will bring the rest.
Not only can you change your life when you access your Records….
now you have a new powerful Akashic tool to HELP you change your life.
And it starts with you.
AKASHIC TIP: When you change your Akashic Records, you change your life.
This is the first card deck that’s also an Akashic Development Tool.
Are you intrigued?
Can you see what an advantage this deck would be for you?
Both the Records of the Akashic Illumination Deck and my Card Deck Focus Group
have confirmed from the Records that this Deck works for . . .
1. Your own personal use . . .
“After I read the Basic Instructions, I couldn’t wait to try them. Using the cards with my Records open helped me to be more open. Information flowed very freely. My Records guided me to ask the first two questions that have been on my mind and I just picked 1 card for each. The messages I received were so easily understandable.” — Maria DiSanti
2. Akashic Alliance™ Facilitators: to augment your Akashic Client and Group Sessions . . .
“The distinctions of the three Akashic Activities (Explorations, Symbols, and Infusions) helped clarify in my mind three separate but interrelated things that can happen during sessions that access higher vibrational reality (whether the session is in the Records or another modality). I have been able to communicate with these distinct and interactive categories with better language for myself and my clients.” — Grace Elizabeth Wormwood
3. And for Akashic Alliance™ Teachers . . . so your learners and graduates can use this Deck to support your Akashic trainings!
“Going forward, I will certainly use the cards again for consultations. And I think they are an excellent way of helping students to go into the Records, who don’t really think they have questions to ask!” — Stevie Levine
The Akashic Illumination Deck (A.I.D.) is a powerful asset for you.
It is equally powerful for your clients and learners.
While the Deck is at the printers this month for them to do their printing magic . . .
I’m offering this invitation ONLY to our Akashic Alliance™ Community
and those who asked to be added to my “Friends of the Deck” email list.
Purchase one or more Decks BEFORE SEPTEMBER 22nd and I’ll reserve a place for you
at our “DECK TIME!” LIVE on Zoom
only on September 29th
@ 11:00 AM PT • 01:00 PM CT • 02:00 PM ET
with the co-creators of the Deck — the Records of Akashic Illumination Deck and myself
We will . . .
• Answer all your questions,
• Give you some additional insights,
• And help you in whatever way we can,
So you will have a GREAT FOUNDATION when the print version arrives in your postal mail box early in October!
This BONUS will also help you understand how to use the digital version of the deck.
As my thank you for your PRE-PRINT purchase of either version,