During this first section, we dive right in and cover a lot of Akashic territory and certainly not all of it was included in the first 10 pages of the manual! Remember – when you change your Records, you change your life! I welcome you as you continue on your Akashic journey.



The Schedule of this Online Akashic Training is a great way to mark your progress as you move through each of the eight sections. I recommend you print these three pages, enter the dates you personally agree to complete each section, and then place this document in the front of your Manual for easy future reference. 


Here is the link to the PDF, even though it doesn’t show as an underlined link:  Schedule for Online Training.



Here’s what we’ll cover during this Section:


  • Create Sacred Space
  • Overview of Training
  • Mutual Agreements
  • Training Intentions
  • What are the Akashic Records?
  • Vision of ARIP
  • FAQ’s about the Records


  • HomeJOY


Please have your printed Module A Manual available so you can easily add your own notes and comments.


When you’re ready to continue, just click on the play button.